speech Shanksville which was a commemoration to flight 93 was an appropriate speech, and the historical analogies that he used at the beginning was also effective. His moving words were very powerful and well received by the audience.…
Then, she makes a connection between the significance of learning from both the classroom and books but also in the 'streets' and other forums made public. Wells purpose is to call attention to how important it is…
I could not decide on what speech that I want to do. So I just picked a random speech. I choose the speech based on the gender of the speaker and the topic on the speech. The speech I am giving is 1988 DNC Keynote Addresses given by Dorothy Ann Willis Richards.…
The speech I selected is “The Children’s Era” by Margaret Sanger in March, 1925. I chose this speech because I am a mother and believe that children should have the right should have the right to grow up in a safe, healthy, and happy environment. In this speech she addresses the results of overpopulation and lack of birth control options and about preparing the best way we can for the health and happiness of the unborn child.…
I think connecting the students to their own personal lives and community is an important thing. A teacher should incorporate their lessons to help students figure out who they are, and what they need to become as much as possible. Without learning about themselves or their community, a student can't connect everything together and open up opportunities to their future.…
Rimm-Kaufman, S (2011) Improving Students ' Relationships with Teachers to Provide Essential Supports for Learning. Available at: http://www.apa.org/education/k12/relationships.aspx# (Accessed: 28 May 2011)…
She brings up a good point that in order for someone to be a mentor or a role model, they don’t have to be rich or a person who is known by many people. They might be poor, but they have had many life…
“Not only does the student learn from the teacher, but I believe the teacher must learn from the student.” Graciela Hammeken says while casually sitting next to me in her office. With these powerful words, Graciela Hammeken has changed many people’s perspective on the relationship between teachers and students. In her opinion, creating the most successful and comfortable learning environment, starts from equal respect that is reciprocated from student to the teacher.…
Her job allows for this to be possible. Because she works with a smaller number of students at a time and as a whole, she is able to get to know them on a much high level. Furthermore, that is her job. Yes, on the one hand every teacher has a job to get to know their students as learners. However, on the other hand, there…
Meaningful connections between students, teachers, and families are critical to trust, respect, engagement, respect, and responsibility. “A strong relationship with an educator can be key in a students’ academic success” (Blankstein, 2015, p. 169). Meaningful connections occur when teachers listen as students communicate their personal interest. Attending or participating in activities students enjoy participating in furthers the creation of meaningful connections. Teachers should model perseverance and hard work as well as establishing these traits as expectations for student work. “In addition to care, it is important to build upon students’ experiences and interests” (Blankstein, 2015, p. 168). The student needs to feel connected to the…
In addition to smaller class size, student-teacher relationships show an increase in student performance as long as the relationship is positive and continuously supports not only academics but the individual and connections with family (Darling-Hammond, 2010, p. 246).…
on how to deal with students who live in poverty. A teacher must understand that a student who comes from a lower economic status have a lot of disadvantages. Teachers can build a stronger relationship with these students; have high expectations for them and understand that these children are more sensitive to deal with than others. Teachers should know how to deal with these students in order to take actions that will be effective. I know that the involvement of the people that can actually make a difference can impact the lives of these children. These children can continue…
Teachers typically have to work within tremendous constraints. The law does not make it easy for teachers to remove unruly students from their classes, and teachers must often be very creative and diplomatic to maintain control. Teachers are also under tremendous pressure to ensure that their students do well on standardized exams, and yet are often given limited time and materials to accomplish this. The system is, at best, characterized by unfairness. Despite this, many teachers carry on. They follow their calling in life to make a difference, and do something that is meaningful. Acknowledge all of this in your speech, while keeping the focus on the accomplishments of the teacher of…
Illustrate the ability to develop and maintain a supportive relationship with the learner that promotes socialisation and integration in the workplace and develop plans for ongoing support.…
The art of understanding as a teacher is an invaluable skill. To teach, you must understand where your students are coming from and what motivates them not only to learn but to succeed. It was this principle that one of my past teachers severely lacked. Mrs. Sopor seemed unable to put herself in her student’s shoes and demonstrated a high level of immaturity through my experiences with her.…