all. Other users can see and receive information way faster than just reading a post now. As best they could paint it, words like PICTURE come from Latin pingere (to embroider, tattoo, paint, picture).
This somehow comes from the Indo-European “root” peig- 1 or peik (to cut or mark (by incision). The AHD’s sense of PICTURE belongs in a circus show, but the PK sound derived for words like PIGMENT is sound in Semitic.POOKH means eye paint or antimony. This earliest of paints is found in II Kings 9:30, where the reddish color comes from pulverizing. This powdered antimony could be liquefied and applied to a plain woman’s face so that she could instantly attract the wrong kind of men. When men put on makeup they wanted to make war, not love. They were literally dressed to kill. The PICTS were named for the game faces they painted on for battle. No, they weren’t soccer fans. The Picts were natives of Britain who were ethnically cleansed by the less colorful invaders and occupiers from the
mainland. This word has developed immensely over time. Now instead of how things look it is all based on a piece of film that is today not even tangible. Thanks to smart phones and internet a 'picture' is just a bunch of little pixels lit up on a screen. It all started with a one Mr. Kodak, the creator of one of the first cameras, he is where the phrase "it's a Kodak moment!" came from, who wanted to capture memories that would last a lifetime and be able to relive them at anytime. Picture is an important word to an American's vocabulary and are objects cherished thought the world. Starting from makeup all the way to colors on a screen, this word has had quite a road trip. How will it evolve in the next several years?