Brittney Scarborough
March 20, 2014
University of Phoenix
Analyzing Written Essays
The four essay organizations are topic, time order, space order, and informative process. Being in a logical order that lets the information flow makes these an expository essay. The topic organization puts the information in a logical fashion, like most important to least. The time order puts the information in a logical order of how the events happened. This organization is based on the order of time. Space order puts the essay in order based on the logical arrangement of location. The informative process puts the information in a logical natural order. It demonstrates how to do something based on steps.
The space order arranges information that deals with the location of people and places. The space order organizes the information from closest to furthest or via versa. The informative process is demonstrative. It is a step by step essay. The information is giving in its natural order. An example would be, “How to Make Salsa”.
It helps the reader understand if you are demonstrating throughout the essay or if you are explaining in a time order. This allows the reader to fully understand the essay without getting any confusion.
The article Farthest, Faintest Solar System Objects Found Beyond Neptune I feel had the best organizational skill. The article explained the information that was found in a time order. It explains the findings of the astronomers with the years the information was found. It shows how far they have come with searching.
The article How to succeed as an Online Student is wrote in the topic organization way. It gives the information with the most important to the least. I feel that it could be rewritten as an informative process. The author could write steps to being successful. This would allow the reader to see what steps they need to do to be or continue to be a successful online student.
Writing in the