An anaphylactic reaction is a sudden, severe allergic reaction that involves the whole body. It can be life threatening, and usually requires hospitalization.
This condition is caused by being exposed to a substance that you are allergic to (an allergen). Your body releases chemicals in response to allergens, and those chemicals cause the anaphylactic reaction.
Common allergens include:
• Medicines.
• Foods, especially peanuts, wheat, shellfish, milk, and eggs.
• Insect bites or stings.
• Blood products.
• Chemicals, such as dyes, latex, and contrast material used for medical tests.
This condition is more likely to develop in people who have asthma or eczema, in addition …show more content…
• Keep an epinephrine injection or anaphylaxis kit near you at all times. This can be lifesaving if you have a severe anaphylactic reaction.
• Wear a medical alert bracelet or necklace stating your allergy. This may only be necessary if your allergy is very severe.
• Do not drive or return to your normal activities until your medicines have worn off, or until your health care provider says that you can do this.
• If you have a skin rash or hives, follow your health care provider’s instructions about how to relieve discomfort. Applying a cold compress and bathing in cool water, may help relieve discomfort from rashes or hives.
• Keep all follow-up visits as told by your health care provider. This is important.
• You develop symptoms of an allergic reaction to a new substance. You may notice symptoms right away or minutes after being exposed to a substance.
• You develop a rash, hives, or itching.
• You develop new symptoms.
• You have swelling of your mouth.
• You have difficulty breathing or wheezing.
• You have a tight feeling in your chest or