Relationship Between Symptoms and Diagnosis
For the purpose of this assignment a paramedic working on a rapid response vehicle is called to a 46-year old female who is experiencing breathing difficulties. It is immediately apparent that the patient has a urticarial rash and a gross swelling to the lips, tongue and face. Whilst the patient is alert, it is clear that she is dyspenoeic. Primary observations confirm that the patient is tachycardic, tachypnoeic, hypoxic, and hypotensive. The patients’ blood glucose and temperature are within normal range. Due to the dyspnoea, it is
impossible to record a peak flow. Upon obtaining a thorough patient history, the paramedic discovers that the patient has just been prescribed Amoxicillin for a chest infection, she has no known allergies.
Whilst anaphylaxis seems likely, the initial differential diagnosis includes acute asthma, syncope and anxiety/panic attacks as many of the presenting symptoms are the same (Resuscitation Council 2006). For this reason, a more definitive guideline on rapidly diagnosing
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