that the negligent act occurred during the initial surgery. The sponge that was left in the…
Ms. Hollar’s neck was examined and the records state that the examination was negative for injury or acute deformity. The neurological examination was negative for altered mental state and loss of consciousness. A CAT scan and x-rays were negative. After the accident the plaintiff was seen by Dr. DaRoach and the doctor noted, “ She has no pain going to lower extremities, no weakness in the upper extremities and denies any headaches/blurred vision/weakness in legs.”…
The care for MR. Ard was below standard of care. Mrs. Ard’s testimony of what happened the night of the 20th collaborates with the nurses logs of when Mr. Ard was checked on. The nurses brought in to speak as expert witness both agree that the care was below standard of care and steps were skipped in assessing Mr. Ard’s care. The nurse was contributory negligent. “A person who is negligent when that person does not exercise reasonable care for his or her safety, thus contributing to any injury sufferer” (Pozgar, 2012, pg. 125). The nurse was aware of Mr. Ard’s issues in the doctor’s notes, she was also made aware through constant calling from the wife of Mr. Ard, and not responding in a timely manner. According to Pozgar, the nurse did not have to be directly aware of the issues that may happen, but aware that something might happen and to keep an eye on the patient in case it did (2012). The Judgment by the court was granted towards Mrs. Ard in wrongful death, and I agree.…
B) was brought into the emergency room for pain to left leg and left hip. The injury occurred when the patient had a fall due to him losing his balance after tripping over his dog. The hospital is a 60 bed rural hospital located in Mr. B’s hometown. Mr. B was brought in by his son and neighbor. Upon triage Mr. B was complaining of pain 10/10 on the numerical pain scale and his vitals were found to be stable. Mr. B has a history of impaired glucose tolerance, prostate cancer, and chronic pain which he is on oxycodone. The Patient states he had no known allergies or previous falls. Upon the nursing assessment Nurse J. has noticed that the patient has limited range in motion, his left leg has swelling and appears shortened in comparison to the right. Nurse J. has informed the ED physician which he came to his bedside for…
Answer; Mark Adams should be held responsible for the negligence which has caused minor accidents to some of the residents he should also listen to and acknowledge the need to regulate the safety of equipment installed within acre woods, Sarah has a right to be concerned as part of her job is therapy for the patient’s physical well-being. The legal issues here could present multiple cases of unethical behavior by Mr. Adams part; the ethical issues would be his lack of concern of the well-being of the residents of acre woods which in turn could create multiple lawsuits.…
Detailed description of event including timeline: Thursday 3:30 pm Mr. B a 67 year old patient was admitted to the ER after a tripping and falling over his dog at his home by nurse J. He was complaining of 10/10 pain to his left leg and hip region but appears to be in only moderate distress. Mr. B’s vital signs were stable at time of admit with a blood pressure of 120/80, heart rate of 88 and increased respirations of 32. Left leg is shortened, swollen in the calf, bruising present and limited range of motion to left leg. Dr. T looked over data and ordered Mr. B to have medications for pain control and sedation in order to perform a manual manipulation in realigning Mr. B’s dislocated hip. 4:05 nurse J administered IV Diazepam per Dr. T’s orders. With no affect Dr. T. orders Nurse J to give 2mg IVP Dilaudid at 4:15. 4:20 Dr. T. orders nurse J to give 2mg IVP Dilaudid for muscular skeletal relaxation. Dr. T. notes that per patient’s weight and regular usage of Oxycodone, it was making it more difficult to achieve the level of sedation required for manual manipulation. 4:25 Mr. B appears sedated and comfortable and procedure of manual manipulating the dislocated hip back in place goes successfully and concludes at 4:30 with the patient resting and no signs of distress. Nurse J. places Mr. B on an automatic blood pressure machine and oxygen saturation to go off every five minutes and leaves to take care of another patient, with Mr. B’s son at the bedside. 4:35 Mr. B’s blood pressure is 110/62 and saturation of 92% on room air. The LPN hears a “low saturation O2” alarm and notes Mr. B’s saturation is 85% room air and repeats the blood pressure setting and resets the alarm. 4:43…
In this section of the essay, we will prove the that the laws are fair from a personal injury law standpoint. According to law 218, “If a surgeon has operated with a bronze lancet on a free man for a serious injury, and has caused death, his hands shall be cut off. I believe this is fair because, a surgeon should know what he’s doing. I also belive if someone is “punished” for another's actions, the one who caused the injury should be punished also.…
I felt this case was of negligence and malpractice, how can someone complain about their discomfort, provide relevant medical history and not get the proper diagnosis. They could have provided a more I depth diagnosis or allowed for a longer observation period. Hospitals often struggle to find a balance between profit and patient care. If the profit margin was not the first priority, then maybe we can avoid similar cases like this. It seems that the struggle for tort reform in finding a good balance between protecting healthcare institutions and at the same time allow for patients the opportunity to pursue compensation when malpractice does occur is…
There could be significant conflict between the standard in the patient's jurisdiction and the jurisdiction of the licensed health care worker.…
We are examining the events surrounding the treatment of Mr. B in the emergency department for a dislocated left shoulder. Prior to Mr. B’s arrival at the emergency department (E.D.) on Thursday afternoon he reports that while showering he “just blacked out” and when he awoke his left arm was quite painful and obviously disfigured. Mr. B was brought to the hospital by his son and taken by Nurse J to an examination room to obtain a health history and physical assessment. Important facts to know…
Assuming that an act that constituted a breach of the standard of care did occur and cause injury to the patient during the surgery in question, as presiding judge, how would you find regarding the two defendants? Please give the rationale for your decision.…
Fleck believes that a frank and serious discussion with Consuela about the need for universal precautions, plus monitored through training in correct wound care fulfills a reasonable duty to warn regarding Carlos’ circumstances. Proper equipment like gloves and other necessary equipment are provided to observe universal precautions. Fleck further concludes that if Consuela is…
In attempt to examine the patient, the doctor acted extremely unprofessionally. The doctor was very forceful and harsh. When the young patient wouldn't allow the doctor to look into her throat, the doctor forced the wooden tongue depressor between her teeth, and the patient broke the tongue depressor. The doctor at that point had become violent, and decided upon continuing the examination with additional power towards the young patient. While the young patients' mouth was bleeding because of the broken wooden depressor, the doctor forced the handle…
This means the decision to proceed must be in accordance with practise accepted by a responsible body of professional opinion and be in the best interest of the patient. (Griffiths 2007)…
Whether or not a specific sentinel medical event falls under the opuses of malpractice depends heavily on the totality of the circumstances surrounding the event. While many individuals may file malpractice litigation based solely on the presence of a negative outcome stemming from a treatment, test or intervention, oftentimes cases originating from this reason only will not meet the requirements needed to support a claim of malpractice. In contrast what is often required in determining whether or not associated events will fall under the umbrella of malpractice is evidence to support that actions on the part of a practitioner deviated from the recognized “standard of care” in treating the patient and that this deviation resulted in harm…