Unit: Human Anatomy and Physiology
Assignment Brief
Unit Code: RH1/3/ER/002
This brief is in two parts:
See Part 2 for Criteria and Grade Descriptors
Task 1 Level 2/3: Criteria: 3.1
1. Observe the diagram below of the human skeleton and answer the following questions
a. Label the bones indicated by lines on the diagram. b. Use a coloured pen/pencil to indicate the axial and appendicular regions of the skeleton.
c. Explain the overall structure and functions of the following main regions of the human skeleton: axial (cranium, ribcage and vertebrae) and appendicular (girdles and limbs). You should use the names of few bones given below in these regions when explaining their functions on the skeleton.
Axial skeleton (Focus on cranium, ribcage and vertebrae) [Max 300 words]
The axial skeleton is divided into the skull, sternum, ribcage and the vertebrae. The skull is made up of 22 bones and these are divided into the bones that form the cranium and facial bones.
The cranium bones mainly protect and house the brain and are made up of eight bones, the frontal bones, two parietal bones, two temporal bones, occipital bones, ethmoid bones and the sphenoid bones. The skull has its features associated with functions; for example the cavities for housing sinuses and cavities for housing hearing and equilibrium.
The facial bones (14bones) are divided into two zygomatic bones, two palatine bones, two nasal bones, two lacrimal bones, two nasal conchae, one vomer, inferior and one mandible. The facial bones help in housing and protecting the organs associated with sight, olfactory, digestion and respiratory. They also form the frame work of the face.
The vertebrae (spine/back bone) is the axial (central point) where most