• Bone fufills two important mechanical functions 1. Provides framework that supports and protects other body tissues 2. Forms a system of rigid levers that can be moved by forces from attaching muscles
• Major building blocks of bones 1. calcium carbonate- 60 to 70 percent of dry bone weight 2. Calcium phosphate- 60 to 70 percent of dry bone weight 3. Collagen 4. Water- 25 to 30 percent of bone weight
• The building blocks gives stiffness and are determinants of compressive strength
• Collagen provides bone with flexibility in contributes to tensile strength
• water carries nutrients to and waste products away from the living bone cells
• Porous: containing pores or cavities
• Trabecular bone : Honeycomb structure Less compact mineralized connective tissue with high porosity
• Strain: is the amount of deformation divided by the original length
• Cortical bone is stiffer than trabecular meaning it can withstand greater stress but less train
• Bone is the strongest in resisting compression and weakest in resisting shear
• anisotropic a different mechanical properties in response to load from different directions
• axial skeleton the skull, vertebrae, sternum and ribs
• appendicular skeleton bones composing the body appendages
• short bones small, cubicle, including carpals and tarsals
• flat bones flat in shape; scapula
• irregular bones irregular shapes; sacrum
• long bone long shaft with bulbous ends; femur
• articular cartilage protective layer of firm, flexible connective tissue over the articulating ends of long bones
• Epiphysis Growth center of a bone that produces a new bone tissues as part of the normal growth process until adulthood
• Periosteum Double layered membrane covering the bone Muscle tendons attach to the outside layer Internal layer is