Anatomy, Physiology, & Pathophysiology Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes 1. a- without or absence of: (asepsis, avascular tissue) 2. ab- away from: (abduction) 3. acro- top or end: (acromion process) 4. ad- to or towards: (adduction, adductor muscle) 5. aesth – feeling: anesthesia) 6. –algia pain: (neuralgia) 7. ambi- both: (ambidexterous) 8. amubl- walk: (ambulatory) 9. an- without: (anaerobic respiration) 10. ante- before, in front of: (antecerebellar) 11. anti- against: (antibacterial, antibiotic, antidepressant) 12. append- to hang something: (appendicular) 13. -ase enzyme: (amylase, lipase, carboxypeptidase) 14. aud- hear: (auditory) 15. aug- increase: (augmentation) 16. auto- self: (autoimmune disorder) 17. bi- two: (bicuspid valve, bipolar disorder, bisexual) 18. -blast budding: (osteoblasts, blastocyst) 19. brady- slow: (bradycardia) 20. bronch windpipe: (bronchus) 21. carcin cancer: (carcinoma, carcinogen) 22. cardi heart: (pericardium, cardiac) 23. carp wrist: (carpals) 24. -centesis surgical puncture :(amniocentesis, thoracentesis) 25. cephal- head: (cephalic artery) 26. -cidal killing : (gemacidal) 27. -clast broken: (osteoclasts) 28. cleav to divide: (cleavage) 29. contra- against: (contraceptive device, contralateral) 30. corpus – body: (corpus callosum) 31. cut- skin: (subcutaneous) 32. cyst- bladder : (cystoscopy) 33. cyt- cell: (cytology) 34. -cyte cell: (osteocyte, leukocyte, erythrocyte) 35. dendr- tree: (dendrite) 36. dent- tooth: (dentist, dentition) 37. derm- skin: (dermis) 38. di- two: (disaccharide) 39. diastol- dilation: (diastole, diastolic) 40. dis- to undo; free from: (dislocation, disorder) 41. dors- back: (dorsal) 42. dur- hard: (dura mater) 43. ecto- outside: (ectopic pregnancy) 44. -ectomy excision or surgical removal:
Anatomy, Physiology, & Pathophysiology Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes 1. a- without or absence of: (asepsis, avascular tissue) 2. ab- away from: (abduction) 3. acro- top or end: (acromion process) 4. ad- to or towards: (adduction, adductor muscle) 5. aesth – feeling: anesthesia) 6. –algia pain: (neuralgia) 7. ambi- both: (ambidexterous) 8. amubl- walk: (ambulatory) 9. an- without: (anaerobic respiration) 10. ante- before, in front of: (antecerebellar) 11. anti- against: (antibacterial, antibiotic, antidepressant) 12. append- to hang something: (appendicular) 13. -ase enzyme: (amylase, lipase, carboxypeptidase) 14. aud- hear: (auditory) 15. aug- increase: (augmentation) 16. auto- self: (autoimmune disorder) 17. bi- two: (bicuspid valve, bipolar disorder, bisexual) 18. -blast budding: (osteoblasts, blastocyst) 19. brady- slow: (bradycardia) 20. bronch windpipe: (bronchus) 21. carcin cancer: (carcinoma, carcinogen) 22. cardi heart: (pericardium, cardiac) 23. carp wrist: (carpals) 24. -centesis surgical puncture :(amniocentesis, thoracentesis) 25. cephal- head: (cephalic artery) 26. -cidal killing : (gemacidal) 27. -clast broken: (osteoclasts) 28. cleav to divide: (cleavage) 29. contra- against: (contraceptive device, contralateral) 30. corpus – body: (corpus callosum) 31. cut- skin: (subcutaneous) 32. cyst- bladder : (cystoscopy) 33. cyt- cell: (cytology) 34. -cyte cell: (osteocyte, leukocyte, erythrocyte) 35. dendr- tree: (dendrite) 36. dent- tooth: (dentist, dentition) 37. derm- skin: (dermis) 38. di- two: (disaccharide) 39. diastol- dilation: (diastole, diastolic) 40. dis- to undo; free from: (dislocation, disorder) 41. dors- back: (dorsal) 42. dur- hard: (dura mater) 43. ecto- outside: (ectopic pregnancy) 44. -ectomy excision or surgical removal: