Mark P. Robertson
Educational Planning Course “Critical Issue Project” Empire State College Mary Ellen Shaughnessy June 17, 2011
There has been a lot of commotion lately between both the scientific and religious communities in regards to this topic. The claims of Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life visiting the Earth in ancient times and profoundly affecting the development of Human civilization, is a controversial subject, at best.
Suggestions of extraterrestrials (ancient aliens and ancient astronauts) visiting the Earth in the past is supposedly connected with the origins or development of human cultures, technologies and religions.
Recorded history by ancient earthly civilizations reportedly saw beings and crafts coming down from the skies (the heavens) and believed that they were “Gods”. That is what these primitive civilizations thought, having no idea what these beings and crafts actually were. They did not know what else to call them, therefore these E.T.’s became “worshipped”, and religions were formed and created in worship of these “Gods”.
Derived from this recorded information, many “Ancient Astronaut Theorists” claim that deities from most, if not all religions are actually extraterrestrials, and their technologies were taken as evidence of their “divine” status.
Proponents of A.A.T. (Ancient Astronaut Theory) often maintain that humans are either descendants of, or creations of E.T.’s… beings who landed on Earth thousands of years ago. The idea is that much of human knowledge, religion, and culture came from E.T. visitors in ancient times, in that ancient astronauts acted as a “mother culture”. In addition, these A.A.’s or “spacemen” built or helped humans build structures such as Egypt’s pyramids, The Moai stone heads of Easter Island, Mayan pyramids, and Aztec, Incan, and Peruvian megalithic structures.
Those in opposition or in argument to
Bibliography: “World Mysteries – The Ancient Astronauts Theory” Saylor, William, L. (all articles copyright 2000-2002) “Ancient Astronauts – The Skeptics Dictionary: A Collection of Strange Beliefs, Amusing Deceptions, and Dangerous Delusions” Carroll, Robert T. (copyright 1994-2009) “The Mayan Calendar and the Return of the Extraterrestrials” Tsoukalos, Giorgio A. (Oct. 8, 2010) “In Search of Ancient Aliens” Tsoukalos, Giorgio A “Chariots of the Gods?” von Daniken, Erich (copyright 1968) “Genesis” von Daniken, Erich (copyright 1974)