Ancient Beliefs and Practices:
Menstruation at one hand is a sign of fertility among women while on the other hand it is seen as an impure period which a girl has to go through so she can get detoxify and prevent the harm to come into the society via her. In earlier eras among various countries globally menstruation was considered as a taboo. Some ancient religious laws also preach the belief of profane state of Niddah where it is practiced that as soon as the woman starts menstruating she enters into the state. The state of Niddah states that the woman is required to take a ritual bath which is supposed to purify her after her menses are over. Also the religion doesn’t allow her to touch her husband until she has slept on white sheets for a week, to prove that the bloodshed is over for sure after which she has to wash herself in that sacred ritual bath and return to the marital bed to commence or continue her marriage (sexual intercourse).
Similarly, as per …show more content…
In Greek civilization, following the beliefs of the Greek physician Hippocrates, about 2500 years ago, it was very much believed that ‘periods’ began when a girl reached 14, but if the it got delayed, whatever may be the reason behind it, they believed that then the excess blood which remained inside the body will slowly gather around the heart of the female, resulting into the symptoms like fever, erratic behavior, irritability, aggressive swearing, and at extreme cases even suicidal depression, etc. hence declaring women dangerous. While on the other hand Ancient Egyptians believed that the menstrual blood could be used positively as a medical ingredient e.g. since womb blood has rejuvenating and regenerating power so it can be used to cure the sagging breasts by smearing it all over