There are few ancient documents that have survived the hardship of time. Actually, whether or not the writings are fiction or non-fiction, these literary works give a concept of what life was like in that time period. When similarities are discovered, they most likely point to real facts. The Biblical account of Noah’s flood and The Epic of Gilgamesh indicate that a real, disastrous flood literally did happen. While The Epic of Gilgamesh and Genesis flood documents are very different in multiple ways, they are surprisingly similar. Because of these fascinating parallels, there is actual reason to believe that a catastrophic global deluge did exist.
The Genesis flood account portrays the ideal picture of a God who is merciful and perfect. In Genesis 7:7 and 13, only Noah’s family of eight board the ark built alone by his three sons and himself. That ark was hudge! Tragically, nobody outside of Noah’s family listened to the warnings. Interestingly, after Noah and his family were in the ark, God closes the door, which would have been ginormous. According to Genesis 7:12, God let rain fall down from the heavens and gush up from the earth over a period of forty days and forty …show more content…
Continuously, these gods also sin. While Utnapishtim is telling of the deluge account to Gilgamesh in the Epic of Gilgamesh, he mentions that many people, including his own family of eight, entered the ark with him. Utnapishtim also states that many craftsmen assist him in building the ark. Adding to his documentary, Utnapishtim comments that he closes the ginormous ark door, without any help from a god which, although not impossible, must have been very hard without any modern tools. The Epic of Gilgamesh flood account explains that there were only 12 days and nights of