Mesopotamia was surrounded by most of the world's ancient highly developed and social complex states. Mesopotamia was considered one of the four riverine civilizations because at that time writing began or was invented and also, that’s when the Nile Valley in Egypt developed. Egypt was a second civilization that grew up in northeastern Africa, along the Nile River. The Egyptian civilization began its formation by 3000 B.C., which was mainly benefited by the Mesopotamia technological influence and trade, but differ from their culture and society.…
Egyptians depended on waters of a great river system. They had the Nile, Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The Nile is 4,000 miles long and it starts far in the south, in lakes of central Africa and it empties into the Mediterranean Sea at Alexandria (Pouwels, Adler, 2015, pg. 37). All three rivers would flood, but with the Tigris and Euphrates you could not predict when they were going to flood. The Nile on the other hand was a benevolent river, and life in Egypt would be unthinkable without it. The Nile would gently swell every year in the late summer and over flow the low bank and spread over the valley floor and take a load of extremely fertile silt. Later the flooding would go down and…
During this time, ancient Egypt followed many years of chaos and disunity and times of war. They also enjoyed many great achievements in literature, art, and architecture.…
Because of the rise and fall of the Nile yearly, the ancient Egyptians developed agriculture. This was sicnificant beause the Egyptians worshiped the Nile River as a god. "Egypt was united into a single kingdom, which allowed it to enjoy a high decree of unity, stability, and cultural continuity over a period of over 3,000 years." The harsh climate protected the Egyptians like a natural barrier, which is good because the were spared the harch attacks the people of Sumer endured. The negative aspect of this would be that this limited their…
Between 10,000 B.C, the development of human kind underwent many significant changes that eventually transformed the modern world. Homo sapiens transitioned from the Paleolithic age to the Neolithic era and had a significant impact on the development of civilizations. Their changes had political, social, and economic effects on the development of humankind. They were thinkers, they though of solutions for the many problems that they encountered. Experience taught Stone Age people the difference between what poisened them and what satisfied their hunger. Experience made them able hunters and gatherers, and later made them adept at herding. But, lacking the experience of modern people, they assumed that they were at the center of the universe, which they saw as flat, small and under sky. They were doing the best they could in drawing conclusions about the world around them.…
The ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia were very different in some ways and in other ways very much alike. Some of the facts that help contrast these places would include the different varieties in social structure, economics, politics, religion, and even the geography of each area. Even though both of these civilizations were in and around the Middle East each had a very varied view on factors such as which God’s to worship and how to run their kingdom. Egypt and Mesopotamia were the same but very different.…
The roles of women in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia were alike because they were both expected to take care of the household and both had a low status compared to men. They were different, however, because women in Egypt had greater opportunities than women in Mesopotamia.…
Egypt is a land with a rich and varied history that spans from the 10th century BC. The country is seen by many Historians as being the “cradle of civilization”. This is because it housed one of the most advanced cultures for many centuries. The Egyptians were responsible for some of the earliest examples of writing with hieroglyphs. Egypt is also home to the Sphinx, which is one of the great feats of architectural engineering in history. Ancient Egyptians were also one of the first civilizations to turn away from the nomadic lifestyle and implement centralized government, organized religion, urbanization and agriculture. In fact, it was one of the first areas in which Christianity flourished before ninety percent of the country converted to Islam in the seventh century. The country has also assimilated many cultures to their own throughout the centuries from the Greeks, Romans, Persians, Ottoman, etc. Turmoil since the beginning of the 1900’s has had a devastating effect on the country. This is primarily the result of European colonization and the ordinances…
Egypt and Israel are countries with similar geography and topography, and history of diplomacy and trade. The land area of modern Egypt spans across North Eastern Africa. Israel, in contrast, is a small country, lying on the southeastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. It is only about the size of Massachusetts. Both countries are prime examples of successful commerce and economy in the Middle East. Throughout history, several geographic factors have contributed to the cultural and economic development of each. Both countries’ development has been affected by bodies of water, or lack of, and deserts within their borders or nearby.…
The Ancient Egyptians were not just a group of people that used the Nile river as a resource to live. They were more then that. They invented many things that shaped our modern world. Their religion, architecture and the way they used their resources to their advantage is just some of the ways they shaped our modern world. Five thousand years separates us and the Egyptians, its just hard to believe that they have contributed in great amounts to our modern world.…
According to World Studies: The Ancient World page 71 to 73 the climate of Egypt is hot but not to dry. The landforms of Ancient Egypt are the 6 Nile cataracts also known as rock filled rapids. The mountains were higher near Upper Egypt, present-day Sudan and lower near Lower Egypt. According to page 82 to 84vthe religion of Ancient Egypt is the belief of many gods called polytheism. They also believe in the afterlife. This when a man dies they live a life after death. That is why when a Pharaoh is mummified and put into his tomb he is placed with lots of jewelry and expensive items like fine pottery, so he or she has those items in the afterlife.…
The ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia were both fairly successful at what they were able to do with their surroundings. Gathering food, hunting, and even just the ability to exist were essential tools that both civilizations excelled in. The Early Mesopotamians and Ancient Egyptians were politically through their type of governments, yet contrasting in their eventual downfalls to neighboring peoples. In addition, both civilizations were divergent religiously through their beliefs in the afterlife, while sharing polytheism as a trait.…
Egyptian culture was also a social class and there social class was social pyramid. In the social pyramid of ancient Egypt the pharaoh and those associated with divinity were at the top, and servants and slaves made up the bottom. The Egyptians also elevated some human beings to gods. Their leaders, called pharaohs, were believed to be gods in human form. Style of egyptian culture or egyptian art Egyptian art is the painting, sculpture, architecture and otherarts produced by the civilization of Ancient Egypt in the lower Nile Valley from about 3000 BC to 100 AD. Ancient Egyptian art reached a high level in painting and sculpture, and was both highly stylized and symbolic.…
The development of Egypt was essentially impacted by its geographical features. Because agriculture was of significant importance to ancient Egyptians, it was also the foundation of Egypt’s prosperity.…
The Egyptians enjoyed laughter, and were happy, relaxed, and passive people. They were slightly built people and stood about 1.67 meters (5 feet) tall. The Egyptians divided themselves into lower, middle, and upper classes. Unskilled laborers, who worked on farms, were part of the lower class. The people in the middle class were: manufacturers, craft workers, and merchants. The upper class citizens were the wealthy Egyptians, often made from: army officers, doctors, government officials, important priests, royal families, and rich landowners. Slaves were allowed to get married and inherit land, own personal items, and can be given freedom. The inventions that Egyptians made were: a 365-day calendar, basic form of arithmetic, and papyrus. These are all the things about what the Ancient Egyptians were like.…