
Ancient Egypt Research Paper

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Tochukwu Nwigwe
Prof. Susan Smiley
Anthropology 350
Assignment 2 Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt was an enthralling and complex place. Fortunately for archeologist, anthropologist and historians, Egyptians had made enormous strides in preserving many its artifacts, which have made studying their culture and society easier/possible. What naturally comes to one’s mind when the subject, Egypt, comes up is to imagine elaborate pharaohs, pyramids, gold, straight black hair with bangs and cat-eye liner make up,
However, there are myriads of other historical facts that have really shaped Egypt. The Egyptian culture lasted for about three thousand years long. The deserts played a vital role in shaping the life of Egyptians. If there were no
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According to Andrea G. McDowell “ during the period known as the New Kingdom (1539–1075 B.C.), Egypt’s southern capital city of Thebes developed into one of the great urban centers of the ancient world. The massive temple complexes of Karnak and Luxor were built during this time, and the two monuments still dominate the east bank of the Nile in the modern city, now called Luxor” ( McDowell 1996) . There are many of such the pieces of architecture that lasted through all these years. There were hawks at the feet of some of the statues that represented the City of the Hawk. A very important aspect was the Pharaoh’s and symbols of men in the statues. The Pharaoh's symbols is worthy of note. The hats were white and red. Pharaoh’s are shown wearing a kilt, and they had a tail of a bull attached to their kilt in the back, with fake beard. For example, King Tutankhamen holds a Flail and the crook represents harvesting wheat. This showed the significance of farming that helped shaped Egyptian culture. The farming indeed helped form the Egyptian societies in diverse areas. Egyptians were full time farmers for a while and that helped to explode the inhabitants in Egypt. (Smiley 2014: Unit 2 vLec 1). The inflow of more people into Egypt helped them come up with mechanisms to control the interaction and the formation of different cultures - such as the Maadi, Buto, and Naqada cultures. The pottery, art and architecture helped to advance these different cultures. Although some were more advanced than others such as the Naqada. The Naqada created the black top pottery pointed vessels (Smiley 2014:vLec 4.1). This vividly shows how technologically advanced they were at this point in time. The vessels were pointed so they could push them in the soil, which is somewhat sophisticated for that timeframe. The paintings discovered were extremely very detailed. They had hippopotami, gazelles, etc. designs on the paintings. In one

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