The Ancient Egyptians believed in many gods and goddesses. Each god was responsible for a different aspect of Ancient Egyptian life. For example, Seshat was the goddess of writing and Nun was the god of primeval chaos.
Some of the earliest gods were associated with natural forces, such as the sun, the wind and the rise and fall of the Nile. For example, Hapy was the god of the Nile and Shu was the god of air.
Many of the Ancient Egyptian gods had animal features. Most of them had animal heads and human bodies. Many reflected animal qualities like the fierceness of a lion or the strength of a bull. For example, Sebek had the head of a crocodile. And Khnum had the head of a ram.
Each town or village had its own god or goddess. They were called local gods. Sometimes the influence of a god spread. This happened with Amun who was god of Thebes. Amun grew in importance when Thebes became the capital city. By the time of the New Kingdom he was recognised as the king of the gods and great temples were built in his honour at Karnak. Amun was originally represented as a ram or a goose. But all that remained of his animal origins were two feathers worn at the back of his head.
The temples were built to honour the gods and record the deeds of the pharaohs. Every pharaoh thought it was his duty to build the temple or add shrines, courtyards, gateways or statues. The temple complex’s included a school, storerooms, workshops and house for the priests.
Karnak was a huge temple near Thebes. It was dedicated to Amun the patron god of Thebes. Generations of pharaohs added to the temple. It could fit a dozen European cathedrals. It was the largest religious complex. The most impressive part of Karnak was the Hypostyle Hall,