Aristotle’s beliefs on living a good life start with careful deliberation of the ends and the means. Suppose I want a laptop--the laptop is my goal, purpose, or end. I can do various things to get the laptop--such as earn, steal, borrow, or save. These things are known as my means. The means I decide to use depends on which is more convenient and which leads to the most benefits. Contemplating about the end goal that we are pursuing, and the means we use to reach that goal is practical thinking. However, this type of thinking does not come to fruition, until purposeful action occurs; which is acting with some purpose, goal, or end in mind. This purposeful action is compared differently with thoughtless action, which is an action with no purpose…
In terms of architecture, both classical Greece and Rome are responsible for almost all advancements made in Western civilization. Ancient Greece’s architectural style can be separated into three defined orders: the Doric Order, the Ionic Order and the Corinthian Order, all which had a profound effect on Western architecture. They are best known for their supreme structures of temples, such as the Second Temple of Hera at Paestum, the Parthenon, and the Temple of Athena Nike. Even more importantly the architects of classical Rome made even more impactful innovations. The Romans were great reformers and they quickly adopted new construction techniques, used new materials, and uniquely combined existing techniques with creative design to produce…
Socrates, Plato and Aristotle are the most renowned of the Greek philosophers. Socrates is often called “The Father of Ethics,” but his most important contribution may have been as “The Father of Critical Thinking.” He believed in an immortal psyche, maintaining that it was the responsibility of each individual to develop the psyche to its highest potential though rigorous debate and contemplation of moral…
Socrates was the original philosopher. Socrates dies from headlock, he had the choice to live a lonely life with food and water or to take the poison and he picked the headlock, because He believed the search for truth would lead to proper conduct. “The unexamined life is not worth living”, that was the quote that Socrates believed by saying that the purpose of life was personal and spiritual growth. Considered the nature of beauty, knowledge and what is right. His method was to ask questions, to try to expose the flaws in his fellow Athenians' preconceived notions. Socrates went on to teach Plato, the next great Athenian philosopher.…
Aristotle accepts the individual choices and experiences of people and was more concerned with virtue ethics. He doesn't have an idea of free will. Along with Socrates, Aristotle believes that someone may know what the best outcome is and still do wrong, but draws the line between happiness and moral virtue. This includes depression and unhappiness. The world has moral meaning. He explains that moral virtue does not mean the end of life. His theory is that happiness is the end of life, which comes together with reason. Virtue is a state of personality that has to do with someone’s choice.…
The ancient societies of Greece and China each produced a civilization remarkable for its time. Although these civilizations emerged nearly one thousand years apart, their philosophies were completely different, had various forms of governance, and had unique economic classes.…
The Ancient Greeks culture has made many wonderful contributions to Western civilization. The ancient Greeks affected our government, medics, and sports. The Greeks culture has had a very profound impact on the way people live nowadays.…
Ancient Greek civilizations originated in 2000 B.C. and lasted to about 300 B.C. their culture still impacts Western civilization. Also Greeks spread their ideas all over the world. They contributed significantly with the ideas of geometry, philosophy, government, sporting events, architecture, sculpture, drama, and more. All of this came about and reached new heights during Greece’s “Golden Age”. This age lasted for about 50 years. Today all of our lives are greatly affected and influenced from the lives of Greeks.…
Socrates was famous for questioning about life. He once said an “unexamined life is not worth living” as seen in document 1. This quote brings about many questions and possibilities about what life is and how it is cherished. Plato is the student of Socrates. He emphasized the importance of reason. The republic was written by Plato that describes the ideal state. As seen in document 2 Aristotle is known for believing that if people study life they will understand it more. Philosophers today still study, and get ideas from many of Ancient philosopher's…
What does Socrates mean when he says that “an unexamined life is no life for a human being to live?”. As I read Plato’s Apology, Euthyphro and The Allegory of the Cave, I could sense two things about unexamined life. First, unexamined life means someone who lives in self-reflection such as sin, guilty, and self-examination. According to Socrates, for living life, the most important one is that should be analyzed and explore the mind itself. One of an important thing, self-reflection of our inner mind gives us the ability to not only understand ourselves more enough but also our relationship with the universe. According to his thinking, without self-reflection, we can give up the chances to evaluate ourselves and our the central axis. In order…
The Greek Civilization lasted from 1900 – 133 BC, but the affect it had on the Western world is still here today. As Greeks conquered other empires and build more and more territory for them, they spread and received their ideas from other cultures. During these times, the Greeks made many long lasting contributions in the areas of art, architecture, philosophy, math, drama, government, medicine, and science. This is why many of the foundations of Western civilization can be traced back to the ancient Greeks. The sharing of their ideas, inventions, and contributions had a massive influence on the future of many civilizations.…
Socrates believed that people do not think for themselves he also believe that if an individual cannot “think” that person is not open for others to question his/hers thoughts. The outcome of this dilemma in Socrates mind is “life is not worth living”. According to our presentational lectures “Philosophy” is a critical examination of our thoughts “Critical thinking”. If we cannot think our way through life, then life has no meaning, and it is not worth living. I believe Socrates quote is true, what purpose are we pursuing in life? If any at all, Socrates carefully chooses the word “unexamined” our lecture teaches us that philosophy is a critical examination of our basic beliefs concerning reality. In my opinion reality is life; therefore we must ask ourselves the question, what is life? Speaking from a philosophical point of view, I believe life has no meaning, if we do not know who we are or what our purpose in life is.…
Greece was the birthplace of Western Civilization because its culture became the embodiment for the other western civilizations. The tale of the ancient Greek civilization showed an immense painful history of foreign supremacy. But their civilization was built on solid foundation and led by powerful leaders that created values, norms and customs that are still being practiced and observed by many modern societies. This is the reason why the Greek civilization continued to flourish, remembered, celebrated throughout the entire world. One of the factors that can be considered as an important part of the Greek civilization development is the geography. The geography of Greece had a very overwhelming impact on every aspect like its political, cultural,…
Ancient Greece is called 'the birthplace of Western civilisation'of Western civilisation'. About 2500 years ago, the Greeks created a way of life that other people admired and copied. The Romans copied Greek art and Greek gods, for example. The Ancient Greeks tried out democracy, started the Olympic Games and left new ideas in science, art and philosophy (thinking about life).…
Greece was without a doubt one of the most advanced societies of the Ancient World. As a result of that, they had numerous accomplishments. However, what were said accomplishments? Ancient Greece made significant achievements in the area of Philosophy, Mathematics, Science, Art, and Architecture. So, throughout this essay I will further elaborate on the nature of these accomplishments and how these accomplishments impact our society even today!…