What is democracy and the equal right for the persian. Democracy is a government by the people. The government of Athens was monarchy then they change into aristocracy.Athenian who is under the aristocracy were wealth …show more content…
and Hews na\made a covenant with god. Judeo christian is different than roman, Greek and Egypt , judeo christian teaching is based on Monotheism . moses is the prophet in abrahamic religions, first he was a former Egyptian prime and later he became a religious leader and lawgiver, he led the Israelites from egypt and they lived in Egypt for 400 years due to famine. Latter he received the 10 commandments which is a code of ethics. Jewish law is based upon the world of the Hebron Bible.Ethics and morality lead to law abiding citizens and people on all societies.
The democracy in great Britain and Feudalism.” Feudalism was a loosely organized system of rule in which powerful local lands dividend their land holding among lesser lords.” The lord will provide knight or warriors to fight their battle and the king is at the highest point of the feudal pyramid. In 1215 the magna carta happened, barbies live under the king and tired of the king's military campaign and taxes. So they write out the magna carta and it end the arbitra artery acts so that the king's power was not absolute. The printing press made every one literary so they can every one can learn.
Since all of this is all about Ethics and now we know how important is ethics.Ethics happen almost everywhere it happen in the Ancient Greek, Ancient rome, Judeo- christian traditions and in England too. Without Ethics the world would be a