Irish semi-secret society that served as a benevolent organization for downtrodden Irish immigrants in the United States.
Awful Disclosures (1836)
Maria Monk's sensational expose of alleged horrors in Catholic convents. Its popularity reflected nativist fears of Catholic influence. clipper ships
Small, swift vessels that gave American shippers an advantage in the carrying trade. Clipper ships were made largely obsolete by the advent of sturdier, roomier iron steamers on the eve of the Civil War.
Commonwealth v. Hunt (1842)
Massachusetts Supreme Court decision that strengthened the labor movement by upholding the legality of unions. cotton gin (1793)
Eli Whitney's invention that sped up the process of harvesting cotton. The gin made cotton cultivation more profitable, revitalizing the Southern economy and increasing the importance of slavery in the South. cult of domesticity
Pervasive nineteenth century cultural creed that venerated the domestic role of women. It gave married women greater authority to shape home life but limited opportunities outside the domestic sphere. ecological imperialism
Historians' term for the spoliation of Western natural resources through excessive hunting, logging, mining, and grazing.
Erie Canal
New York state canal that linked Lake Erie to the Hudson River. It dramatically lowered shipping costs, fueling an economic boom in upstate New York and increasing the profitability of farming in the Old Northwest.
Know-Nothing party
Nativist political party, also known as the American party, which emerged in response to an influx of immigrants, particularly Irish Catholics. limited liability
Legal principle that facilitates capital investment by offering protection for individual investors, who, in cases of legal claims or bankruptcy, cannot be held responsible for more than the value of their individual shares. market revolution
Eighteenth and nineteenth century transformation from a