Rome began to fall because religion got in the way. There were too many religions being followed in the …show more content…
The disease spread from China to Turkey down through the Black Sea into Constantinople. Because of the plague, people’s salaries went down and the profit from agriculture went down. Also, in response to the plague, people went into promiscuity and abandoned what they needed to do to keep a responsible life going. Instead, they said “screw it, we’re all going to die, PARTY!” They started sleeping around and having fun because they knew they were all going to die. Because of all the sinning, according to the church, people began to rely on indulgences that became very popular.
The Hundred Years War lasted from 1337 to 1453 over the conflict between the kings of England and France over control. The cause of the war was mainly that the French gave the throne to the Valois king, Philip VI, but the English wanted possession because it belonged to the king of England, not the French. As a result, the war awakened France and England to awaken the national identity of these countries. Warfare changed to the cannon and gun through this war and England looked other places for trade and