He spent time taking care of it by going home every evening promptly at six. Saturday and Sunday mornings were spent, at home, with no phone calls from the office, unless it was an emergency.
And he protected it by not telling anyone about the new woman in his life who’d made such a difference. Laura could not find another person at C & A, besides herself and Terry, Jared’s assistant, who knew of Ruby’s existence and that she was living with him, supposedly as his nanny. And that could only mean that neither Jared’s mother nor Randal knew about his new arrangement. …show more content…
Best give her the standard line, but gently.
“Miss Lankford, I’m afraid Mr. Anderson has asked not to be disturbed.”
“Bullshit!” responded Laura, walking passed Terry’s desk and pushing Jared’s door open without knocking.
“Have I done something to offend you,” she screamed at Jared.
Terry running in behind Laura, pleaded, “Mr. Anderson, I’m so sorry. I tried to stop her, but I couldn’t.”
“It’s OK Terry.”
“What‘s bothering you Laura?” Jared asked, acknowledging the beautiful young woman who’d just barged into his office.
“You haven’t accepted a single lunch date, with me, in the past two weeks. I must have done something to offend you. Just tell me what it was,” Laura said, pacing Jared’s office, making sure he got a good look at her figure.
“No. You haven’t done anything to offend me,” Jared said, getting up from his desk.
“Why don’t we have a seat,” he said pointing to the sofa. He noted that she was wearing Tom Ford’s White Patchouli. Arabella’s favorite fragrance. It struck him in those few seconds that elapsed between asking Laura to have a seat and actually sitting down, that he’d put his marriage to Arabella behind