There are many approaches to teaching language by teachers and many approaches to learning a language by students. We will discuss some of those, and then this essay will design a one-on-one conversation class for a specific Mexican student in MM2D level of the IMAC school.
Student Background:
Our student's name is Andrea Lizeth Quintero, who was born in Mexico and speaks Spanish as her native language. As a level MM2D in her English classes and possessing an interest in learning French, she is not the only one in her family with an interest in foreign languages; her cousins also speak some English.
Andrea's primary motivations for learning English revolve around her professional and cultural growth. To her, …show more content…
these following situations are most important to her: “To understand lectures, oral reports, or school reports” (academic), “To read textbooks in my career” (professional), “To read instructions, magazines, or newspapers” (professional / cultural), “To write or give directions to English speakers” (cultural), “To travel and for any kind of recreation here or overseas” (cultural), “To improve awareness of cultural diversity” (cultural). Conversely, priorities revolving around informal settings, such as “conversation in small groups”, “on the telephone” rank low on her priorities list.
Learning Style of Student:
Based on the survey “My True Intelligence” that Andrea filled out, she has three types of intelligence: (1) Linguistic, which means that the person has the ability to establish “relationships between form or structure and content in any language”, (2) Intra-personal, which means that the person has self-control, self-regulation, and self-knowledge, and enjoys spending time by him/herself, (3) Inter-personal, which means that the person has the ability to listen to others around him/her, can negotiate / persuade, and can establish good rapport with others. Consistent with these three intelligences, Andrea enjoys independent study, individual games/projects (intrapersonal intelligence); cooperative learning activities, group brainstorming sessions (interpersonal intelligence), and lectures, debates, group discussions, and working with books (linguistic intelligence). This is an advantage for the format and style of IMAC classes, since there is a lot of group work and pair work during classes as well as solo activities and homework assignments outside of class.
Teaching Approach that will used in one-on-one class:
Here, we can use the direct method, in which language is taught inductively, because Andrea is skilled at deducing patterns and rules from examples and context. Also, because Andrea is concerned with reading and writing for academic purposes, the reading approach (which brings translation back into the forefront) will work well.
Teaching Action Plan:
Andrea’s greatest areas of improvement are academic assignments, so her biggest priorities to work on are reading and writing.
So to her, vocabulary and grammar are key points of focus. Specifically, in more detail, the specifics of her problem are that she has issues grasping key passages or themes in academic literature that she reads.
Goals of One-on-one class:
During the one-on-one class, since it is mostly conversation, we will explain some of the cultural differences between English speakers in America, Canada, and Europe, since Andrea considers it important to give/take directions from English speakers and she wants to improve her cultural awareness. If time remains or allows for it, we will go through a sample article from an English-language newspaper such as the New York Times or Wall Street Journal.
In conclusion, our student is seeking to improve her academic English and cultural exposure to English speakers, and given her abilities with linguistic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligence, we will design a one-on-one class in conversation with comparing / contrasting differences in English speakers of different countries, and if time allows, finish with an article from a reputable