12 Paragraphs: 1) CH 5, Q3: I believe that Carnegie and Rockefeller’s actions were more beneficial to the country then bad. They both showed that anyone can make it here and that all you need is hard work and determination to make millions of dollars. Not only did they increase the amount of jobs but they were also adamant philanthropists who gave back millions of their earning to the communities and bettered America. 2) Ch 5 Q4: The new wave of immigrants from 1880-1910 were poor Europeans from Eastern and Southern Europe. Most of them were Roman Catholic and didn’t have much to their names. When they arrived at Ellis Island, most of them did not know the language and didn’t know anyone here that could help them. Many people took advantage of these people and gave them jobs that no one else wanted for wages that would barely get them by. 3) Ch 6 Q1: Ida Tarbell, Upton Sinclair and many other “muck-rackers” changed the lives of the working class citizens by revealing the true sides of how they lived their lives and what these politicians and executives were doing to make the lives of the poor, harder. Upton Sinclair revealed how the meatpacking industry was taking advantage of the poor inspection laws and how they were disgustingly producing the meats that people ate on a daily basis. Tarbell and others exposed the living conditions of the poor and how the political machines were running politics in America. 4) Ch6 Q3: Theodore Roosevelt is arguably one of the most popular and successful presidents that we have had. He laid the foundations for presidents to come and made many changes to the lives the people lived. He broke up monopolies so that people would have equal opportunity and that sales prices couldn’t be manipulated in order for maximum profits. Also he made peace with the Coal Miners and the executives which allowed for coal to be processed again. He believed in a “Square Deal” that allowed everyone to get an equal share. 5) Ch 6 Q4: Teddy Roosevelt had a huge impact on everything after his presidency. In 1908 he decided not to run for re-election and instead hand-picked Taft to be his successor as President. Once Taft was in office, Roosevelt left the country and went to Africa on safaris. When he returned he was appalled to see what Taft had done with the job. So, in 1912 Roosevelt decided to run again but the Republicans didn’t back him because Taft was the reigning president. So Roosevelt decided to create his own “Bull-Moose” party or the progressive party and run for president. By running though he created a split in the republican voting which allowed for the Democrat, Wilson, to win the election.
12 Paragraphs: 1) CH 5, Q3: I believe that Carnegie and Rockefeller’s actions were more beneficial to the country then bad. They both showed that anyone can make it here and that all you need is hard work and determination to make millions of dollars. Not only did they increase the amount of jobs but they were also adamant philanthropists who gave back millions of their earning to the communities and bettered America. 2) Ch 5 Q4: The new wave of immigrants from 1880-1910 were poor Europeans from Eastern and Southern Europe. Most of them were Roman Catholic and didn’t have much to their names. When they arrived at Ellis Island, most of them did not know the language and didn’t know anyone here that could help them. Many people took advantage of these people and gave them jobs that no one else wanted for wages that would barely get them by. 3) Ch 6 Q1: Ida Tarbell, Upton Sinclair and many other “muck-rackers” changed the lives of the working class citizens by revealing the true sides of how they lived their lives and what these politicians and executives were doing to make the lives of the poor, harder. Upton Sinclair revealed how the meatpacking industry was taking advantage of the poor inspection laws and how they were disgustingly producing the meats that people ate on a daily basis. Tarbell and others exposed the living conditions of the poor and how the political machines were running politics in America. 4) Ch6 Q3: Theodore Roosevelt is arguably one of the most popular and successful presidents that we have had. He laid the foundations for presidents to come and made many changes to the lives the people lived. He broke up monopolies so that people would have equal opportunity and that sales prices couldn’t be manipulated in order for maximum profits. Also he made peace with the Coal Miners and the executives which allowed for coal to be processed again. He believed in a “Square Deal” that allowed everyone to get an equal share. 5) Ch 6 Q4: Teddy Roosevelt had a huge impact on everything after his presidency. In 1908 he decided not to run for re-election and instead hand-picked Taft to be his successor as President. Once Taft was in office, Roosevelt left the country and went to Africa on safaris. When he returned he was appalled to see what Taft had done with the job. So, in 1912 Roosevelt decided to run again but the Republicans didn’t back him because Taft was the reigning president. So Roosevelt decided to create his own “Bull-Moose” party or the progressive party and run for president. By running though he created a split in the republican voting which allowed for the Democrat, Wilson, to win the election.