Presidential Outline: Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson. March 15, 1767 June 8, 1845
Jackson was born in Waxhaws which is on the borderline of North Carolina and South
Carolina. He ran for president from Tennessee. A. Educational Background Jackson had a very irregular education. He didn’t attend school on a regular basis. Jackson ended up studying law in Salisbury
North Carolina.
B. Occupational Background Jackson became a lawyer in Tennessee in 1787.
Then in 1796 Jackson was elected to be Tennessee’s representative in the
U.S. House of Representatives. In 1797 he was elected to the Senate. Then in
1798 Jackson was elected to be a judge of the Tennessee Supreme Court.
Jackson served two terms. His first term was from 1829 to 1832. His second term was from 1833 to 1837
In the first election John Quincy Adams tried to make Jackson lose some of his popularity by slandering him. This was the first time that candidates really slandered each other. In the second term the national nominating convention was introduced.
Jackson’s opponent in his first term was John Quincy Adams. Jackson’s opponent in his second term was Henry Clay.
John C Calhoun was vice president during Jackson’s first term. Martin Van Buren was the vice president in the second term.
Andrew Jackson was part of the democratic party. A. Veto of the Maysville Road Bill(1830) Andrew Jackson vetoed the bill to use federal funds to build a road connecting Lexington and Maysville Kentucky. He stated that it was the states rights to build their own roads not the federal government’s. B. Webster Hayne Debate (1830) The debate was between Daniel Webster and
Robert Hayne. Hayne saw the country as individual sovereign states while
Webster saw the country as one nation. Hayne’s believed that the states should be able to set aside federal laws that they saw as unconstitutional.
Webster supported the federal government and