Jollie grew up in a musical family, and his Father, William Jollie, is one of his biggest influences. He remembers playing with various instruments left throughout his house as a young child, and recalls being brought on stage frequently by his father. He wouldn’t realize his own potential until much later, while on a family trip to Canada.
“I remember being about 12 years old and in a cabin with family, and my cousin Josh played “Nothing Else Matters” by Metallica, and I knew I wanted to do that.” Jollie said. …show more content…
He played in various other cover bands and projects throughout the years, including Opiate a tribute to Tool. He seems most happy when discussing this cover. He later explains that Tool is his all time favorite band, and he “even has the same exact model” of the guitar as the guitarist of tool. It wouldn’t be until 2013 that they had found the right line up to create an original