You can see the Butterfly Cluster in the south sky and the view will be better on a night when the moon is not out. If you are located in the northern hemisphere, the cluster will not be very high in the sky and you must have a good view of the southern horizon. The southern hemisphere will have a better view of M6 because it will rise higher in the sky than in the northern hemisphere. A good way to locate the M6 cluster is to locate the red star Antares. To the right of Antares is the Butterfly Cluster. It is visible to see without binoculars but you can see it a lot clearer if you use some, and of course much more detailed if you view using a telescope. Neighboring M6 is M7, the Ptolemy Cluster. The Butterfly Cluster is very bright, one of the brightest. Most stars in the Butterfly Cluster are hot blue stars that are younger stars. In M6 there is a massive star that is close to the color orange, this star is the brightest. Gravity holds the cluster together as it moves in space, and it is expected to keep holding it together for a long time to
You can see the Butterfly Cluster in the south sky and the view will be better on a night when the moon is not out. If you are located in the northern hemisphere, the cluster will not be very high in the sky and you must have a good view of the southern horizon. The southern hemisphere will have a better view of M6 because it will rise higher in the sky than in the northern hemisphere. A good way to locate the M6 cluster is to locate the red star Antares. To the right of Antares is the Butterfly Cluster. It is visible to see without binoculars but you can see it a lot clearer if you use some, and of course much more detailed if you view using a telescope. Neighboring M6 is M7, the Ptolemy Cluster. The Butterfly Cluster is very bright, one of the brightest. Most stars in the Butterfly Cluster are hot blue stars that are younger stars. In M6 there is a massive star that is close to the color orange, this star is the brightest. Gravity holds the cluster together as it moves in space, and it is expected to keep holding it together for a long time to