For me, ‘Trash’ was a book that I really enjoyed reading because the mystery was very engaging. Also, I think that you would enjoy ‘Trash’, if you are willing to learn more about problems such …show more content…
the events, meaning, they were very sudden. This aspect was something that I disliked because it decreased the amount of mystery that kept me reading the novel. One factor that I liked and that made the book unique was the message that it taught me. It was unlike any book that I have read before because it taught me that your actions will always have an affect, if not on yourself, on someone else.
All in all, ‘Trash’ was an enjoyable and educative novel to read. Because of this, the only improvement that I have for Andy Mulligan is to continue making a series based off the characters from ‘Trash’. Another feature that Andy could benefit from is making a picture book, so the story is spread throughout all ages. If young children get the opportunity to read the story, it could educate them more on problems such as poverty and pollution. I think a picture book of ‘Trash’ would have a big impact on any child who reads it, because the children will realise that instead of going to
The image below shows the mountains of rubbish that builds up in many dumpsites around the world. school, and living a normal life, the kids their age in the story, are rummaging through rubbish