His art reflected his belief in that by taking what we may see as just part of our everyday life and showing us how embedded it is in our psyche and in everything that we do. look at the Campbell’s Soup Can art canvas series. Is it just a soup can? Was it a ‘just’ a soup can before Warhol’s works became acclaimed? No, Campbell’s Soup was yet a well popular household name. Did Warhol paint them because it meant something? Warhol stated that the paintings represented nothing. No intent, no concept and no meaning.
Art however is not about the artist’s intention; it is about the receiver’s application of their own meaning. Every decade that goes by, there will be new meanings applied to an artist’s works depending on the events of the age in which they are viewed. Warhol’s artworks could today be viewed as an expose on the condition of our throw away lifestyle. This could even be said about Warhol’s Marilyn Monroe canvas.
As well as a can of the Campbell’s Soup, Marilyn was iconic, soaked her admirer’s with a warm, good feeling and then was recklessly emptied and thrown away. In the great stretch of time, suppose Warhol was accurate, the paintings are of nothing, the soup means nothing and maybe Marilyn was treated by society in the very same way. So many people admire her now, even nowadays. Can a person’s life and accomplishments be consolidated to a acrylic painting that represents nothing?
Warhol’s paintings can absolutely make one think about what the priorities of human race are. The things that we put so much importance on are so fleeting and when they are