Complete Proofreading Exercise #1 (page 208)
(I have very little idea what to do, but I gave it a try, How did I do?)
Patient Name: Teiko Sun
Patient ID: 469011
Admitted: 08/17/2013
Deceased: 08/20/2013 at 4:30 p.m.
Consultations: None.
Procedures: Proctoscopy.
This 75-year-old Asian female was admitted through the ER with acute massive rectal bleeding of unknown origin, possibly diverticulitis; congestive heart failure in mild exacerbation; chronic renal failure, worsening since the day before admission, with dehydration and chronic atrial fibrillation.
Emergency proctoscopy was done in the GI suite immediately after leaving the ER, which revealed only clotted blood without a source for the bleeding. Colonoscopy was scheduled but then later canceled due to poor bowel preparation and extreme weakness on the part of the patient.
A nuclear tagged red blood cell bleeding study was performed in order to localize the bleeding site in case of the necessity of emergency bowel surgery, but this proved to show no specific source of the bleeding. The bleeding apparently stopped spontaneously. Hemoglobin and Hematocrit descended to a nadir of 11.9 and 33.7 respectfully the day after admission.
The patient’s chronic renal failure worsened steadily, with increasing creatinine and BUN and decreasing CO2. At the request of the family no hemodialysis was done. Her chronic renal failure worsened further, and eventually she died at 4:30 p.m., 3 days after admission.
Sangita Mehtapur, MD
SM: xx
D: 08/20/2013