Surgical anesthesia- Specific stage of general anesthesia in which there was a sufficient degree of analgesia and muscle relaxation to be able to preform surgery
Analgesia- absence of pain
2. List several uses for anesthesia, beside surgery (3pts)
There are many uses for anesthesia beside surgery. Some other uses are for euthanasia, restraints, and some procedures. If an animal is out of control to the point where it is extremely hard to work on the animal and the animal may cause injury to itself. This is a time that anesthesia is used to be able to preform restraints and procedures safely.
3. What are some general considerations we must think about prior to administering anesthesia? (3pts)
There are a lot of general considerations that we must think about prior to …show more content…
The patient information, information on surgery, the risk that can happen in the surgery and owner signature is what should be included in the document. This way the owner knows what can happen in the surgery and they give you permission to treat their animal.
12. Why is it important to withhold food prior to anesthesia? (2pts)
It is important to withhold food prior to anesthesia because while the animal is under anesthesia their swallowing reflexes become sluggish. Also when the animal is under anesthesia there lower esophageal sphincter tone will decrease and also when an animal is going under anesthesia they can become nausea and that can lead to vomiting. And vomiting can lead to the animal choking while they are under anesthesia and the material can end up in the lungs or the stomach.
13. List two things you can do if food wasn’t withheld: (2pts)
One thing that you can do if the animal was not withheld from food is give the animals a drug that will reduce vomiting. Another way is to give a animal to induce vomiting so that there stomach is empty.
14. Why do we pre-medicate?