Although there is no specific treatment for people with Angelman's Syndrome, alternative therapies and medications are often use to lessen the known symptoms, like seizures, and help the patient in common actions like communication and movement.
Anti-seizure medication is usually given to people with Angelman's Syndrome. This medication often includes valproic acid (VPA), clonazepam (CZP), phenobarbital (PB), topiramate (TPM), carbamazepine (CBZ), lamotrigine (LTG), …show more content…
Speech therapies include sign language and picture communication in an attempt to aid and provide brief information about early communication to patients. Because of modern technology, picture projections, software and gadgets are made and given to patients to improve their communication more.
And the last type of common treatment an Angelman patient is demanded to receive is the behavioral therapy. This type of therapy aids in control of the patient's hyperactivity and short attention span. This does not suppress the acts of the patient but rather help improve their quality of living. This does not limit what the patient does but rather allow them to be able to do more. This type of therapy often helps the patient reach their peak of developmental potential and improve their daily lives.
Although the said therapies and medications aren't actual treatment and does not fully give the patient freedom from the said illness, these aids are proven to help the patient ease the symptoms and distress that comes with the diagnosed