The Female Nurses
The time was 1914, there were no men around due to the war and it all started in a farming village called Nagyrev located along the Tisza River in Hungry; only about 60 miles from Budapest. There was a community of killers in these two places known as the “Wise Women”. These women were really just midwives with a killer’s tenancy. Well it all started during WW1 when they didn’t have hospitals and were in desperate need of midwives. People had there speculation’s and also had names for these wise women.
The names of these women were a little strange and made you wonder why people would still use these midwives after all they’ve heard. One main midwife named Julius Fazekas, was known for helping women get rid of unwanted babies. Although she was technically taking care of people’s medical needs. Fazekas’s partner in crime was known to be a “witch” her real name was Susanna Olah a.k.a “Auntie Susi”. These two women ended up causing major chaos in this town of Nagyrev.
The women soon got used to the fact that there were no men around, and some of them went to the camps where they held the prisoners to settle their sexual desires. They ended up with limited freedoms because of the number of women who did that. By the time the husbands got home their wives refused to do anything with them and the word got to the midwives. They saw a way to deal with this problem.
The midwives began boiling arsenic off of strips of fly paper to sell to the women. They gave to poison to anyone who wanted it, and a lot of prisoners took it. They began calling themselves the “Angels of Nagyrev”.
Soon enough because of the death rate the area became known as the “Murder District”. The women ended up taking it too far. They started to not only poison unwanted spouses but also relatives that were unwanted.
Sometimes the women poisoned one another, not knowing it. When officials questioned