English 121
Spring 2014
Professor Celia Winchester
Office Location: RH 203
Telephone number: 732.548.6000 x3072
Office Hours: See Schedule Attached
Email: celiamw1810@portal.middlesexcc.edu.: This is the quickest way to reach me. celiamw1810@portal.middlesexcc.edu. Please include your name and the phrase “ENG 121 Student” in the subject line of your e-mail. It will help me to identify you and respond more quickly to your message.
Required Texts and Materials:
1. A Journal
2. A Campus Cruiser Account
3. A flash drive
4. A college level (“collegiate”) dictionary
5. A notebook with #2 pencils and pens
Course Description:
GE COM Prerequisites: A passing score on the writing portion of the College's Placement Test or a grade of "C" or better in ENG 010; completion of RDG 009 with a "C" or better or a score on the reading portion of the College's Placement Test that exempts the student from RDG 009. Through a variety of writing projects requiring description, characterization, narration, illustration, process analysis, comparison and contrast, and definition, as well as through a documented essay, students develop competence writing clear, correct, effective English prose. Extensive reading materials serve as structural models and as the basis for discussion and for the writing of essays involving response, analysis, and synthesis. During the course, the student will write between 7,000 and 10,000 words, including drafts and revisions.
Things to Know:
1. Students are only allowed the opportunity to make up one class period worth of exams. If there are extenuating circumstances, then a note (medical or legal) is required to make up any exams thereafter.
2. I do not accept any assignments later than one day after it is due. Students who submit assignments one day late will receive a full letter grade off and any assignments after two days will receive a zero.
3. I do not accept assignments by e-mail. Assignments may be uploaded