No one denies that the world needs the mining sector and the economy of lots of counties depends on that. However, the problem is that not all companies mines in a responsible manner and this leads to a huge environmental issues all over the world. The vision Anglo American is minimizing the harm to environment by operating in an environmentally responsible manner. As a result, not only the whole population of the world gets huge benefits but the company itself is increasing its overall operational management and competitive advantage. Anglo American use technology and work with partners to implement best practice management practices. In addition, the company rehabilitates lands that are affected by mining. Moreover, Anglo American admits that Climate change is a significant challenge of twenty first century, and therefore addresses the causes of climate change. The main target of the company is achieving economically-sustainable energy and carbon saving in their business. The company developed the Anglo Environmental Principles, the Anglo Environmental Framework, the Anglo Environment Way and Environmental Performance Standards to meet this target. Since 2009 the company is investing in low-carbon technologies, as carbon capture and storage. In 2013, the company managed to decrease energy consumption by 4, 3 million gigajoules by practicing 61 projects. In addition, in 2014 Anglo American managed to save $105 million through their energy saving initiatives. In 2014, the company reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 22%. Moreover, the company is working in partnership with lots of NGOs as climate change initiatives in South Africa and Australia, to address the causes and impacts of climate change. Preserving the environment is resulting in more productive use of resources which in turn increases the revenue of the
No one denies that the world needs the mining sector and the economy of lots of counties depends on that. However, the problem is that not all companies mines in a responsible manner and this leads to a huge environmental issues all over the world. The vision Anglo American is minimizing the harm to environment by operating in an environmentally responsible manner. As a result, not only the whole population of the world gets huge benefits but the company itself is increasing its overall operational management and competitive advantage. Anglo American use technology and work with partners to implement best practice management practices. In addition, the company rehabilitates lands that are affected by mining. Moreover, Anglo American admits that Climate change is a significant challenge of twenty first century, and therefore addresses the causes of climate change. The main target of the company is achieving economically-sustainable energy and carbon saving in their business. The company developed the Anglo Environmental Principles, the Anglo Environmental Framework, the Anglo Environment Way and Environmental Performance Standards to meet this target. Since 2009 the company is investing in low-carbon technologies, as carbon capture and storage. In 2013, the company managed to decrease energy consumption by 4, 3 million gigajoules by practicing 61 projects. In addition, in 2014 Anglo American managed to save $105 million through their energy saving initiatives. In 2014, the company reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 22%. Moreover, the company is working in partnership with lots of NGOs as climate change initiatives in South Africa and Australia, to address the causes and impacts of climate change. Preserving the environment is resulting in more productive use of resources which in turn increases the revenue of the