| War | Year | Between |Causes |Effects/Results |
|1st Anglo-Mysore |AD 1769 |British and Hyder Ali |The growing power of Hyder Ali- ruler|1. Hyder Ali won and both agreed to help |
|War | | |of Mysore made the English |each other in future. |
| | | |apprehensive. So they formed an |2. With the Treaty of Madras the English |
| | | |alliance with the Nizam of Hyderabad |returned the Prisoners of War and the |
| | | |and the Marathas and attacked Mysore.|territories conquered by each other. |
|2nd Anglo-Mysore |AD 1780-1784 |British (under Governor General- |1. English did not help Hyder Ali |1. After Hyder Ali’s death Tipu continued |
|War | |Warren Hastings) and Hyder Ali . |against the Marathas. |the war but both sides were exhausted. So |
| | | | |with the Treaty of Mangalore, the war came |
| | |Hyder Ali died in 1782 and the |2. English captured Mahe- a small |to an end. |
| | |war was continued by his son- |French settlement under the |2. Both the sides agreed to return each |
| | |Tipu Sultan |jurisdiction of Hyder Ali.(Mahe was |other’s conquered territories and the |
| | | |the only outlet