and revered. Bravery was essential in all times of battle or warfare. Beowulf shows bravery when he faces and defeats Grendel, Grendel’s Mother, and the dragon. Hrothgar’s men cower in their houses while Beowulf and his men face the monster Grendel, this shows a lack of bravery. Truth was valued greatly by the Anglo-Saxon people. Even though they often boasted and bragged, like Beowulf does when he tells the story of the swimming match with Breca, their boasting had to be entrenched to the truth. Thanes were expected to uphold their valor, and so all their boasting had to be true. Any thane who lied, such as Unferth who challenged Beowulf’s skill due to the swimming match with Breca, would be disgraced. To the Anglo-Saxon society, honor was everything. The thanes expressed honor through their service to their kings, supporting their boasting, and their treatment of each other. The honor of kings in the Anglo-Saxon societies were dependant on their generosity to their warriors who fought for them. Avenging a killing was seen as honorable but eventually the Anglo-Saxon people created a system where a family was compensated for the death of their thane. “Beowulf” depicts many values of Anglo-Saxon people and represents them greatly. From reading the story, one may come to understand the values that were important to the people who wrote it. Bravery was expected from all thanes to be strong in all situations. Truth was upheld as a test of loyalty to the people around them. Honor was everything to the thanes and was expressed through everything they did.
and revered. Bravery was essential in all times of battle or warfare. Beowulf shows bravery when he faces and defeats Grendel, Grendel’s Mother, and the dragon. Hrothgar’s men cower in their houses while Beowulf and his men face the monster Grendel, this shows a lack of bravery. Truth was valued greatly by the Anglo-Saxon people. Even though they often boasted and bragged, like Beowulf does when he tells the story of the swimming match with Breca, their boasting had to be entrenched to the truth. Thanes were expected to uphold their valor, and so all their boasting had to be true. Any thane who lied, such as Unferth who challenged Beowulf’s skill due to the swimming match with Breca, would be disgraced. To the Anglo-Saxon society, honor was everything. The thanes expressed honor through their service to their kings, supporting their boasting, and their treatment of each other. The honor of kings in the Anglo-Saxon societies were dependant on their generosity to their warriors who fought for them. Avenging a killing was seen as honorable but eventually the Anglo-Saxon people created a system where a family was compensated for the death of their thane. “Beowulf” depicts many values of Anglo-Saxon people and represents them greatly. From reading the story, one may come to understand the values that were important to the people who wrote it. Bravery was expected from all thanes to be strong in all situations. Truth was upheld as a test of loyalty to the people around them. Honor was everything to the thanes and was expressed through everything they did.