Betsey Gedlie
Northeastern Junior college
English 122
Mr Storey
We all know some of the products we use and the medications we take undergo several operations before they reach in our hands. We know these possessions are safe for use and have been tested. What are they being tested on is our main question. “More than 100 million animals every year suffer and die in cruel chemical, drug, food, and cosmetics tests as well as in biology lessons, medical training exercises, and curiosity-driven medical experiments at universities”(Peta, 2010). Most of the items we are talking about are tested on animals. These animals suffer both mentally and physically in the laboratories. The problem has been ignored in several studies. We as humans have the right to walk away when we are faced by bad conditions, but animals don’t get to choose even when they are dealing with many unbearable painful situations. Millions of animals are being tormented for research. Not a lot is being gained by animal testing animals are not exactly the same as humans. This is not just morally wrong but it is cruel and should be abolished.
Animal testing has enabled the development of many lifesaving treatments for human beings. It is still not fair for these animals that have no say to what is being done to them. These animals suffer in many ways several cosmetics tests are commonly performed on mice, rats, rabbits and guinea pigs. They go through many kinds of test and mostly these animals are not given pain relief medicines. The different kind of experiment these animals are put to include chemicals being rubbed on their skin or dripping these different chemicals in their eyes in order to check for skin and eye irritation. To figure out what dose causes death these animals are given “lethal dose” large amounts of a test chemical. To look for symptoms of general illness or specific health hazards these animals would repeatedly be force fed for weeks or months. It is
References: Zerhouni, Elias, Dr. “Alternatives to animal testing.” PETA. N.p., 5 Mar. 2013. Web.09 Mar.2014. Nelson, Hugh D. "Animal Aid." : Killing Animals and Humans. N.p., Nov.-Dec. 2002. Web. 27 Mar. 2014. T. Humby et al, Journal of Neuroscience, 1996, vol. 16, 2149-2156 Murnaghan, Ian. "What Happens to Animals After Testing?" What Happens to Animals After Testing? N.p., 3 Oct. 2011. Web. 27 Mar. 2014. "Animal Testing 101." PETA. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2014. Abstract Different products are tested on animals. These animals undergo many experiments. The experiments cause pain to the animals involved or reduce their quality of life. The experiments are not always accurate humans and animals are not exactly alike. There are many alternative ways of testing most of the experiments. If there are alternative testing methods that would produce equally valid results it is cruel to agree to animal testing. The animals are usually kept in small cages and are isolated. Not only are they dead at the end of the process but are tortured experience constant excruciating pain are never given the chance to live a normal life whatever that maybe.