The Role of visual and auditory signals in feline communication.
Module: Animal Behaviour
Module Teacher: Emma Sidgreaves
Module Code: UIN XGG-20-1
UWE Number: 12027156
(2003 words, summary inclusive)
Contents Page Page Number
Summary of Animal Behaviour 2.
Introduction to Felines and their lifestyle 3.
A Description of the Visual Signal 4-6.
The Adaptive Function of the Visual Signal 7.
How the Visual Signal Could be Recorded and Measured Practically 8.
A Description of the Auditory Signal 9.
The Adaptive Function of the Auditory Signal 10.
How the Auditory Signal could be Recorded and Measured Practically 11.
Conclusion 12.
Reference List 13.
Summary of animal behaviour.
There are two main types of behaviour signals that animals show, these are visual and auditory. An example of a visual signal in felines is a cat displaying pilo-erection, and an example of auditory is when they hiss. The meanings and adaptive functions of both these signals will be explored, and the ways of documenting them effectively and practically are explained.
Introduction to Felines behaviour. A definition of animal behaviour is the way in which an animal responds to changes in its environment. It can be described as an animal’s response to a stimulus or how animals find and defend resources, avoid predators, choose mates and reproduce, and care for their young. When talking about the behaviour and habits of the cat (Felis silvestris catus) it will generally be referring to body language and intra-species communication. Humans are inclined to think of a cat in the same way as themselves and are very guilty of giving cats human characteristics and giving their thought processes human meanings. When behaviour is looked