Imagine an animal’s feeling of panic and fear as it is about to be killed by a hunter or the isolation experienced as an animal sits in a laboratory, separated from its family and natural habitat, waiting to be harmed by harsh testing methods. Imagine the frightened state of a mother or father watching their innocent baby being captured. After considering the brutality towards animals in these scenarios, take into consideration the health benefits humans receive from different parts of these animals. Imagine health risks avoided through testing on animals first instead of on humans. Does human benefit justify the harm and killing of animals? Linda Hasselstrom’s essay “The Cow Versus The Animal Rights Activist” and Tom Regan’s “Animal Rights, Human Wrongs” argue this question through analysis of the reason for killing animals, the method in which they are killed, and the morality of the killing of animals.…
According to foreign affairs the want to protect animals is not a new concept to people. Chinese Taoist expressed that compassion for others should not be expressed solely to human beings. An Indian emperor decreed a law that was against the unnecessary mutilation and killing of animals. Buddhists believe that treating all living things with equal compassion as part of an ethical perception. Even though ancient societies had these philosophies, they seem to have been lost to modern society. The San Joaquin kit fox is a great example of how the growth of human population has dramatically impacted the depletion of another species.…
The biblical worldview upholds that God ceased from what He was doing and created man. All else, God declared into actuality, but with man He had taken on a more involved role, created him from the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into him (Genesis 2:7 New Living Translation). Man was given rule over all earthy creation. Even though the last to be created, man is first of the earthly hierarchy. Above all, the only to be designed in His image. Being appointed to rule over creation, meant to take care of it as well, which included the animals (Genesis 1:28-31 New International…
From a religious perspective, some argue that early Christian views created the first sense of human-nonhuman divisions with the claims that men and women could not be animals since humans are the image of ‘God’. However, according to Linnaeus’ taxonomy and later confirmed and elaborated by Darwin, there was acknowledgment that humans were animals. Richard Ryder, a member of the Oxford Group, which is centered on animal rights, claimed the “full awareness of our kinship with other animals was ‘intermittent’ and became “discouraged by the Church” (Yates PT 1: Human Supremacy: Constructing the ‘Right’ and ‘Wrong’ Sides of The Species Barrier). Moreover, the Church explained that ‘God’ said himself in the Bible to “be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it” (Aitken). Thus began “Man’s ‘dominionism’ over and above creation” and human supremacy is favored (Yates PT 1: Human Supremacy: Constructing the ‘Right’ and ‘Wrong’ Sides of The Species Barrier). From a philosophical perspective, many philosophers can claim that human supremacy is justifiable. Francis Bacon, a 17th century philosopher, declared, “Man was at the center of the world” (Yates PT 1: Human Supremacy: Constructing the ‘Right’ and ‘Wrong’ Sides of The Species Barrier). He continued to argue that if it was not for human control of the natural world, “all would go astray” because there would be “no purpose” and “no aim” (Yates PT 1: Human Supremacy: Constructing the ‘Right’ and ‘Wrong’ Sides of The Species Barrier). Rene Descartes, another great thinker, also believed in human exceptionalism. He supported his claim by cutting both nonhumans and humans, and saw that each contained blood vessels, organs, tissues, etc. He concluded that the reason non-humans differed from humans is that they lack thought (Yates PT 1: Human Supremacy: Constructing the ‘Right’ and ‘Wrong’ Sides of…
Use your atlas and the listed coordinates to identify the “mystery city” on this page.…
Augustine claims that animals have no fellowship among humans, and that is what makes it okay to kill animals for human consumption. Thomas Aquinas claims that animals lack reasoning and are driven by natural impulses. This is why they are naturally enslaved and exist for humans. These arguments all follow the concept that there is a hierarchy in the world. There is a natural food chain that all living things follow (LaBossiere). Humans are at the top of the food chain because they posses more abstract thought than any other animal. This mindset has been prevalent since ancient…
“Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages.” This quote about animal abuse is from Thomas Edison, an engineer known for his life changing innovations that continue to impact on our world today. Animal abuse is a long-debated problem, often causing the world’s population to split into two sides over the dispute. On one side, are those who say that humans are far superior to animals and other living beings who have been put here solely to feed or entertain us. On the other hand, there are those of us who recognise that these “inferior life forms” should have the same rights as us, and so they deserve the same treatment.…
“What does it mean to be human?” and “Are Humans more important than animals?” Humans were created in the image of God. Humans were to be the rulers over all the creatures of the Earth (Genesis 1:26) and God placed Adam and Eve in the Garden to care for it (Genesis 2:15).…
God created humans with great value, for they were created in his image. (Genesis 1:27). They were given the responsibility to take care of the animal kingdom. Man is instructed to “reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.” (Genesis 1:28)…
This question seeks to answer “What’s does it mean to be human” and “are humans more important than animals?” Mankind was created in the image of God (Gen.1:26-27).Mankind now bears His likeness separating mankind from animal; giving authority to man (Gen. 1:28). Humanity was given stewardship over the Earth and the animals of which he is now responsible for.…
Animal rights are essential because in many ways they are just like humans, they are proven to have emotions and have families just like us, therefore it is unethical to abuse the animals in ways that we know is not right to do for humans. Due to animals having limited to no rights, it’s our duty to make a change and make people and schools aware of animal cruelty. Citizens of the United States have the ability of Freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition. With that kind of power, we the people can make a difference or change for the better. However, there are limits and boundaries to the First Amendment.…
We all have an idea of what animal cruelty is but how much are you truly aware of this harmful abuse? Everyday animals are being beaten, neglected, and forced to struggle for survival. They are sometimes left in unsanitary conditions with no food or water, they have little hope as they live their days without the compassion they deserve. Some are found and rescued given the chance to experience how great life and humans can be; others aren't so lucky. Animal abuse affects us in many ways: it’s bad for our animals; it affects not only the animal but those who witness it. These animal abusers are criminals. To grow as a nation we must fight for these abused animals’ rights. It is up to us to speak for the animals that lack a voice, who will, if we won’t?…
The first premise of his argument was that all human and non-human animals possess equal inherent value because they are all individuals experiencing life. His second premise is that possessing inherent value demands that these individuals have rights that should not be violated by others. The final premise of his argument is that any individual with rights must be treated equally and with respect. In this paper, I objected to his third premise by arguing that we humans should not interact with animals at all because we are not able to distinguish their perception of equality and…
The Chinese Revolution, beginning in 1911 and ending in 1949 was a momentous and significant revolution within history. The Chinese Revolution was a result of impearialistic control of China by other countries, unfair treatment of peasants, and young people’s desire to modernize China. Similar to The Chinese Revolution, the novel “Animal Farm” was an allegory that also exhibited the strive for freedom and respect within a nation, or in this case the Manor Farm. In the novel, the animals fought hard inorder to rebel against the rule of their often drunk owner Mr. Jones. Mr. Jones was a mean unkind master who enjoyed a care free life while the animals lack food. Respectively, the Chinese also strived for freedom and rights in China while under…
Their country does not always feel the same way about things that the United States do. Therefor they both have different laws. China has recently proposed a new animal protection law. This law protects animals from deliberate cruelty and examines the motivations that have persuaded china to revise and new law like this. The law reflects the requirements of international animal welfare standards and the desire of its citizens to protect these animals. This law protects wild, economic, pet, laboratory, and entertainment animals from cruelty and videos and or pictures of cruelty. The laws in China now provide limited protection. This draft law if passed will be a major step in stopping animal abuse in China…