“Don’t you cowards actually want to do something about this?” Benjamin questioned. The animals were silently thinking.
“Don’t you want to do it for Boxer?” he asked them. Not many of them remembered who Boxer was, or what he did, but the few that did spoke up.
“I would like to help.” said Clover quietly.
“As would I.” added Jessie.
“Then let us hold a rebellion.” said Benjamin confidently. The other animals looked around confused and unsure.
“Surely we cannot go against our excellent leader!” cried one of the ignorant horses.
“We can, and we will.” Benjamin said. The animals were quiet and nothing more was said of the matter.
The animals acted as if they had never spoken of the subject. It was a great relief to the older animals that the younger ones kept their mouths closed and never let anything slip. So the animals kept working hard. They sweat, worked hard and they did this all for close to nothing. They worked very long days, slept very little, got close to no food and did it all with no complaining for they knew it would all be over soon. They were nearing the light at the end of their tunnels. The rebellion was sure to come soon. They thought that this was the worst of it and nothing could get worse, that