
Animal Farm Critical Lens Essay

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Animal Farm Critical Lens Essay
January 17, 2012
Critical Lens
John F. Kennedy once stated “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. In other words, if we can’t resolve our problems peacefully, then violent revolution is bound to happen. This is true because in life when people cannot get what they want peacefully, they turn to violence. The pieces of literature which prove the quote true are the book; Animal Farm written by George Orwell, and the song; “The International” written by Eugene Pottier. Animal Farm relates to this lens because the animals have a revolution which turns out to be entirely violent, and not at all peaceful. “The International” relates to the lens because it is about the servants coming together to fight for their freedom instead of peacefully working towards it.
This lens in true in the book, Animal Farm, by George Orwell. The author’s use
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Irony is a contradiction between what appears to happen and what actually happens. The type of irony most often used in Animal Farm is situational irony. Situational irony is an event that is opposite what the characters expect. The pigs, who become the leaders of all the animals, give orders to the other animals. This is an example of situational irony because one of the original commandments is “all animals are equal”, but the pigs begin to take charge of the other animals and the animals are no longer treated equally. Another example of situational irony in the book is that the revolution, which was supposed to make the farm more prosperous and all the animals better fed, ended up only benefitting the pigs and the dogs that were in charge. The irony in Animal Farm relates to the quote by John F. Kennedy because the original rebellion against the farmers was violent because the farmers wouldn’t give the animals what they wanted peacefully. Another

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