World War II had a lot of great propaganda to help advertise the assistance needed in the war. A Canadian World War II poster, “Attack on all Fronts” was advertising for help in the war. It is interesting how the poster has three different aspects of people …show more content…
in the context. The poster is advertised soldiers, industrial workers and agricultural women. The message is saying all jobs are just as important at this time whether you’re a farmer or a soldier, they need anyone willing to fight for their country. “Attack on all Fronts” is appealing to the common man, telling them that work in a factory, or on a farm was just as important as a soldier work in the war time. “Animal Farm” has a similar way of saying all are equal. In the novel Animal Farm, Old Major made it clear, “...Above all, no animal must ever tyrannise over his own kind. Weak or strong, clever or simple, we are all brothers… All animals are equal.” (Orwell 21, continued on 22). Old Major is saying here that no animal is better than another. This is similar to the Canadian poster, all jobs are just as important as the next. In the book Animal Farm, Old Major seems to be appealing to the “Common Man” with his speech to the other farm animals. He is telling the animals, none of them are of hierarchy than another. Old Major wanted to make sure the animals realized that they are all equal and without one of them the farm would be even more difficult to carry out.
Within the book Animal Farm, the animals chant “Four legs good, two legs bad.” (First reference, Orwell 41). Where this could be recognized as a form of “repetition” propaganda, it could also be classified as “band wagon” propaganda. The classification of the quote as repetition is for the reason, it is repeated several times throughout the book, the additional classification comes from the sense, the other animals start to recite the quote. In the modern era, there are many slogans borderline “repetition” and “bandwagon” propaganda. “I’m Loving It”, the McDonald’s, slogan is one well known around the world. Person after person notice McDonald’s commercials and repeat the slogan. The repetition turns into a bandwagon effect, as one reiterates the saying and then someone else hears the slogan, tags along and now everyone is noticing or recognizing the saying. This is the same effect that happened in George Orwell’s Animal Farm. The sheep began saying “Four legs good, two legs bad” when the other animals heard they began to repeat it starting a vast phrase among the farm.
The presidential election is a big topic right now in the political world.
Presidential candidates are calling each other names and turning to each other's weakness’. Hillary Clinton has called Donald Trump "Donkey of the Decade", she is trying to attack at his personal aspects instead of his political aspects. Animal farm has a case where the animals start to refer to Snowball as a “criminal” (Orwell 60). The animals don’t take into consideration, Snowball had accomplished for the farm, they are attacking his personal aspects just as Hillary did to Donald Trump. Ad Hominem is the type of propaganda that is where you attack someone personally instead of their ideas.
Propaganda is a good and a bad thing in the modern era. People use propaganda now to hate on each other, advertise, and to persuade opinions. In George Orwell’s Animal Farm, propaganda was used quite a bit and it relates to things we see and hear everyday. A variety of propaganda was used as examples in this essay to show, propaganda is all around whether realize it or not. Everyone is most likely influenced by propaganda on a daily