Animals the method can be used on
Implications of the welfare of the animals
Ringing/ banding
Wild domesticated, birds
Small, individually numbered/marked metal or plastic tags are put on to the leg or wing of the bird.
To identify individual birds, to track bird migration, population. During the capture for ringing it is common to record various data about the birds.
Causes stress in the process of catching and ringing/ banding. Possibility to lose ring/band.
Ear tagging
Domestic live stock: cattle, sheep, pigs, goats. Other animals.
Two plastic or metal objects with identical but individual numbers than other animals on them are joined through animal’s ear. The animal gets two identical tags for both ears.
To identify individual animals, to record and trace their life since the moment they born to their death.
The procedure might cause stress and pain. Possibility to lose tag.
Freeze Branding
Horses, cattle
To brand using the freezing technique the iron is cooled to a temperature of between –160 to -250°C. The branding iron is then pressed onto a shaved patch of skin on the animal.
Is manly used by farmers to identify animal ownership.
Causes pain and stress.
Marking is permanent.
Ear punching
Mainly Rodents.
Could be used on cats and dogs.
Using a special punch to produce a small (0,5-2mm) notch near the edge of the ear or make a hole in the middle of the ear.
Must be disinfected after procedure.
To identify rodents.
Manly used in laboratories.
Causes pain and stress – permanent.
The microchip
Cats, dogs, rabbits, most of the zoo animals, sometimes wild animals and birds.
The microchip is implanted under an animal’s skin, and transmits a unique alphanumerical code when energised by the radio signal generated by a scanner.
To identify lost pets or other animals.
To identify and track animals in the wild Can cause stress and pain. Permanent method of identification. Chip might move under the skin.