The aim of this essay is to investigate the two major theories trying to explain why do primates have large brains. Even since the seminar study of Jerison in 1973 it has been acknowledged that primate brains are unusually large for their body size. There are three main groups of theories giving more or less persuasive explanations of the evolution of large brains and high cognitive skills in primates. The first group is a group of social theories, postulating that primate cognition is a result of complex social interactions between individuals, and in this essay this group will be represented by the Social Brain Hypothesis proposed by British anthropologist Robin Dunbar. The second group encompasses the ecological theories that are based on a premise that primate intelligence originated from complex interactions with the environment. A “delegate” from this group in my discussion will be the Visual Specialisation Hypothesis introduced by Robert Barton (1998), who argues that primate encephalisation is connected to frugivorous diet and the need of advanced visual abilities. Finally, the Cultural Intelligence Hypothesis, which is a general name to multiple related views, proposes that large-brained primates possess “general intelligence” due to their great behavioural flexibility. This final theory will be included in the comparison just to offer an alternative view to the two mainly discussed theories above.…
In “How Smart are Animals?” the author Dorothy Patent, is informing us about the smart abilities animals really have. Animals are smarter than we think. In the first few paragraphs she tells us that a dog, named Villa saved a young girl, named Andrea, from a massive blizzard the dog rushed to her side and got her to safety. This just tells us that animals really can think and process what’s going on. The story explains the perfections and flaws animals have when it comes to training. In the story a part of it tells us that when animals are performing kind of like dolphins they act as if they are in a play or movie like humans do. Dorothy Patent is basically giving us all the information we need to decide on our own whether not animals…
He declares that “humans have the bigger brains of all” (109) which could be an advantage in social competition. Wrangham voices that primates with “more neocortex live in larger groups, form more close social relationships, and use coalitions more effectively” (107). This statement testifies why humans live in groups and can “outwit their rivals in competition of mates, food, allies, and status” (108). The author argues against Aiello and Wheeler and speculates that the “increase in brain size from austrlopithecines to Homo erectus occurred in multiples steps” (114). Wrangham proposes that the second brain expansion occurred when Homo Erectus became Homo Heidelbergensis and is accredited to cooking (114). The social changes brought about larger brains are not directly correlated to cooking, however they suggest that larger brains evolved the process of…
According to Tomasello's (1999) evolutionary perspective, the central feature of human cognitive development that distinguishes humans from other primates is the ability to:…
Can animals really think? Can they make decisions based on information? For years, scientists have debated these questions. Now many of them believe that some animals have the brain power to understand new situations, make decisions, and plan ahead. many animals adapt their behavior to the challenges they face either under natural conditions or in laboratory experiments. For example, on other parts of Africa chimpanzees select suitable branches from which they break ofg twigs to produce a slender probe, which they carry some distance to poke it into a termite nest and eat the termites clinging to it as it is withdrawn. Apes have also learned to use artificial communication systems to ask for objects and activities they want and to answer simple…
The first notable theorist after Aristotle was Rene’ Descartes who held the belief that the flow of animal spirits caused behaviors. He held a mechanistic view arrived at because of the statues of St. Germaine. Descartes thought humans followed the same pattern as the statues with water flowing through tubes, representing nerves and the fluid that result in muscle stimulation (Millis, n.d.). In 1664 Thomas Willis published Anatomy of the Brain. The publication viewed the brain’s structures as…
My final claim is that animals do have feelings. I volunteered at Paws and Claws Humane Society and when you walk into the room, the dogs start barking and wagging their tails to say “pick me”. Also when I’ve gone to pet them on the head and my hand runs in front of their eye, they flinch because they’ve been abused by being smacked on her head or they have scars and marks that when you touch they become very defensive and yelp. Another example is when you hook up the leash to there collar and they know they're going for a walk, they get so excited and joyful and give you so many kisses. My dog I have at home goes and sits on her bed after I yell at her for chewing up a shoe, she knows she did something wrong and gives you “puppy dog eyes” to try and apologize for what she did with her cuteness. In conclusion, in the article “Can Animals Think?”, Eugene Linden makes a compelling argument that some animals have the capacity to reason and feel, and that animals are intelligent and as smart as we really believe and also sometimes under…
Hyde: An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Contexts, Performance Adaptations, Criticism . New York: Norton, 2003. Print.…
Secondly, another reason that can differentiate humans from other animals is the superior intelligence of the human being. There is a major difference between human thinking and animal thinking. For example, humans have “the ability to recombine different types of knowledge and information to gain new understanding”(Harees). “Animal intelligence is more like a laser beam, applying specific…
Galotti, K. M. (2014). Cognitive psychology in and out of the laboratory (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE…
According to Martin Schonfield in “Animal Consciousness: Paradigm Change in the Life Sciences” “In the old analytic climate, claims that animals are sentient raised methodological and ideological problems and seemed debatable at best.”(Schonfield p. 1) Claims that animals were self-aware or intelligent were regarded as unfounded. “The task of science in the past four centuries had been to demythologize the past.”(Schonfield p.1) Daniel C. Dennett in “Animal Consciousness: What Matters and Why” states “that speculating about animal consciousness makes no sense.” (Dennett p.19) He wonders why we need to know about animal consciousness at all. I disagree with Dennett and will explore the possibilities of animals actually experiencing consciousness.…
‘Does the chimpanzee have a theory of mind?’, they described experiments to assess whether the primate most closely related to…
This article is summarized as the experimentation to observe the intelligence and mental abilities of the Baboons. The achievements of the experiment are to better our understanding of the "high mental processes" of animals, chiefly Primates. The experiment entailed two baboons and two humans in a couple of relation experiments on a computer. Both pairs were subjected to the find correlations and relations on a computer screen and then using a joystick point in the direction of the correct answer. The correct answer would result in a smell food pellet for the baboons and the wrong answer would result in a 7-second timeout.…
Animals are smarter than people think they are. As animal studies keep on increasing, we find out that some animals are close to our level of thinking. Animals such as chimps, parrots, elephants, dolphins and monkeys have been studied and proved to us that they too have a good level of intelligence. Self recognition, social skills, language skills and the use of tools are all signs that scientist use to prove that these animals have a good capacity of smarts in their brain.…
(1) An upsurge of new research suggests that animals have a much higher level of brainpower than previously thought. If animals do have intelligence, how do scientists measure it? Before defining animals' intelligence, scientists defined what is not intelligence. Instinct is not intelligence. It is a skill programmed into an animal's brain by its genetic heritage. Rote conditioning is also not intelligence. Tricks can be learned by repetition, but no real thinking is involved. Cuing, in which animals learn to do or not to do certain things by following outside signals, does not demonstrate intelligence. Scientists believe that insight, the ability to use tools, and communication using human language are all effective measures of the mental ability of animals.…