Obective: Student should be able explain the structutre and function of the digestive system of a bird
Fowls have no teeth; they use their beak to take in their food.
The food passes down through the oesophagus, to the crop where it is stored and moistens.
The food then goes to the Proventriculus: The proventriculus secretes digestive juices which help to break down food.
The Gizzard: The gizzard consists of powerful muscles, which grinds and digest food
The food then goes into the deodenum and then into the small intestine where digestion is completed
The Caeca: absorb water from the faeces
The Cloaca: This is where waste and urine exit. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM OF RUMINANTS
Objective: Students should be ale to explain the stucture and functions of the digestive systems of a ruminant. The ruminant stomach consists of FOUR compartments:
1. Rumen
2. Reticulum
3. Omasum
4. Abomasum
The Rumen: The rumen is the largest compartment, where food is stored. Usually the rumen is constantly contracting and moving. A healthy animal will have atleast two contration per minute. The contraction helps:
In the mixing of rumen content
To bring microbes in contact with the feedstuff
To move material out of the rumen
Some cellulose digestion also takes place in the rumen, due to the presense of cellulose digesting bacteria. From the rumen the food is then regurgitated into the mouth to be chewed properly.
The Reticulum: the reticulum is located closest to the head of the animal; it is also called the honeycomb bag. In the reticulum larger pieces of food are separated and regurgitated.
NOTE: Any foreign objects such as wire or nails that may be
Swallowed tend to lodge in the reticulum and are in a very
Good position to penetrate the heart. This is a common
Feature of what