ENG 1113
Mrs. Scholz
April 27, 2014
Animal Testing Animal testing is wrong because of the health issues that will arise within the animals because of the treatment that they go through within the labs as well as the chemicals that they are exposed to during the procedures. Due to all of the procedure that the animals have to go through only about half of them remain alive. There are four topics that are going to be discussed about animal testing, these topics are some of the main issues but are not all-inclusive. These topics include the treatment they use for animals, the chemicals and negative effects of these chemicals, psychological and emotional effects due to the abuses that the animals go through, and lastly the evidence that it is inhumane and unnecessary that for labs to test on the animals. There is an easy way to test on animals by using human tissue to test all of their products. The treatment of animals within the testing facilities is inhumane because of the abuse that they go through. “According to USDA’s latest available figures (2009), 7.8 percent of all AWA covered animals in labs underwent painful procedures without the benefits of pain relief” (“harm and suffering”). This source is talking about all the animals that were never given any pain relief during their time in the testing labs. Imagine the painfully looks that all animals shows in their cages. It’s so sad that people can do this to poor animals. Animals within testing labs are often kept indoors in crowded cages. “Those few facilities that provide some outside caging typically rotate the animals, giving them limited and infrequent amounts of time outdoors. Standard lab conditions, such as small, crowded cages, lack of enrichment, loud noises, and bright lights out of sync with natural lighting are all known to create stress in animals who in turn show physical symptoms of the stress, including chronic inflammatory conditions.” (“Harm and suffering”) All of