During this process, researchers use micro-engineered devices that are lined by specific cells of certain parts of the human body (“Alternatives to Animal Testing”). The main idea of these devices is that it then recreates organ level functions, so animal testing is no longer needed. What researchers have found is that many pharmaceutical companies are having high failure rates due to the animal models which are commonly used to advance certain drugs instead of basing the tests on common human situations (“Alternatives to Animal Testing”). Researchers add to this by stating that this method is time consuming as well as costly (“Alternatives to Animal Testing”). Vitro Testing eliminates these negative factors and substitutes them with a technology that is simple and
During this process, researchers use micro-engineered devices that are lined by specific cells of certain parts of the human body (“Alternatives to Animal Testing”). The main idea of these devices is that it then recreates organ level functions, so animal testing is no longer needed. What researchers have found is that many pharmaceutical companies are having high failure rates due to the animal models which are commonly used to advance certain drugs instead of basing the tests on common human situations (“Alternatives to Animal Testing”). Researchers add to this by stating that this method is time consuming as well as costly (“Alternatives to Animal Testing”). Vitro Testing eliminates these negative factors and substitutes them with a technology that is simple and