don’t care. It starts with us! I chose this study to inform the public of the negatives of animal testing and what scientists can do about this.
Animal testing is any scientific experiment or test in which live animals are forced to undergo something that is likely to cause, pain, suffering or lasting harm.
Animals are usually confined to small cages and being exposed to harmful fumes for human benefit.In their “Animal” Journal, Elisabeth H. Ormandy and Catherine Schuppli claim that "the use of animals in research fosters a diverse range of attitudes, with some people expressing the desire for complete abolition of animal research practices, while others express strong support (392)." Animal testing has stirred up an argument between two opposing sides regarding the ethics of the practice. The two opposing sides are those who disagree with animal testing and those who agree with animal testing. Nuno Henrique Franco author of "Animal Experiments in Biomedical Research: A Historical Perspective" state that "Animal experimentation has played a central role in biomedical research throughout history. For centuries, however, it has also been an issue of heated public and philosophical discussion."(238) Those who are in favor of animal testing believe that it is beneficial to improving medicine. Those who are against animal testing believe that it is harmful to animals and that their are other ways to benefit humans. Being an animal lover, I oppose of animal testing for several different reasons. The first reason being animals are being subjected to all forms of suffering and isolation. The second reason is animals are not …show more content…
able to provide their consent on whether they should be used in animal testing. The third reason is that animal testing is not proven to be effective and it takes money out of our pockets. Lastly, animals studies don’t particularly indicate what is safe and effective for humans. There are factors that influence the public's opinion on the topic of animal testing which are experience with pets, political orientation, and gender. In the article, "Free the Animals? Investigating Attitudes toward Animal Testing in
Britain and the United States" Viren Swami, Adrian Furnham, and Andrew N. Christopher also state similar factors: An relation to sex, political orientation and vegetarianism.
There are several factors that influence an individual's opinion on animal testing. Sarah Knight and Louise Barnett, authors of " Justifying attitudes toward animal use: a qualitative study of people's views and beliefs" introduce a factor that applies to me, which is experiences with pets. Personally, as a animal lover, I have experienced a bond between me and my animal that I can truly say has influenced my life significantly. In my opinion, animals are so much better than humans, in so many ways. When you build a relationship with a animal, they can become your motivation in life. From my experience with my dog, Lox, he was my motivation for everything. At first, when we got him I didn’t think nothing of him and I didn’t want to be bothered with him. He was just another responsibility that I had to cater too. I soon began to fall in love with him. He brought so much happiness into my life especially when he would run to me after I came home for school. My dog was the only reason I liked being home because he was the only one who I could cry in front of. I'm not an emotional person but after a hard day at school, he was my happy place. He's gone now but when I look at any other animal, I could only imagine my dog. I couldn't imagine him going through the things that other animals go through because that bond that we have built was everlasting and still is. You would expect people to have a
soft spot for animals but most people only consider themselves. Whenever I saw Lox, I always thought of home and love because he was there when no one else was. It may seem weird to other people but animals are so helpful when you feel all alone. Animals are not only a important aspect of biomedical research but they are a important part of human life. Without that encounter with my dog, I would not have become the person who I am. We as a society don't get to decide whether an animal lives or dies in this world because its not our decision. What gives us that right?
There are more effective alternatives rather than using animals in research that could provide more benefits. These alternatives could improve human understanding and help with the discovering of new medicine. Some alternatives include human volunteers, advanced computer-modeling techniques, in vitro test methods, sophisticated tests using human cells and tissues, and many more. Scientists should consider these options because public opinion matters and we could further our knowledge of what we don’t know about humans. There are a couple of interesting alternatives that could really save tons of animal lives. For an example, using blood from human volunteers to test for the presence of fever-causing contaminants in intravenous medicines can save millions of rabbits each year from pyrogen tests. Joan Dunayer asks "To what extent do particular findings in mice, dogs, or other nonhumans apply to humans? Animals studies don’t particularly indicate what is safe and effective for humans. To learn more about the human body it just makes since to study the actual human body. If scientists actually use the technology to do useful things, we could save some of our own money. Using technology could be more effective, cheaper, and could provide more benefits.
Although I disagree with the act of using animals in research, I am aware of the supposed benefits that it provides for humans. Animal testing is an inhumane practice that shouldn’t even be considered but it has been helpful in the biomedical research. Using animals in medical research has prolonged the lives of millions of people. Most of the women in my family were diagnosed with the disease, Diabetes. I remember watching my grandmother shoot insulin in her arm to take blood. She actually hated it but she told me that it's was very helpful in controlling the disease. Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which the body’s inability to produce any or enough insulin causes elevated levels of glucose in the blood. Diabetes is also the leading cause of death and disability. Animal testing has been an influential factor in saving lives of people with diabetes. For this reason alone is why, I could understand the need for using animals in medical research. Some benefits of animal testing are helping discover new vaccines, development of anesthesia, and has helped discover treatments for some diseases. In "A Living Will Clause for Supporters of Animal Experimentation" David Sztybel explains that even though animals are placed in harsh conditions they have made an major impact in saving millions of human lives. Animals and humans are alike because we share some of the same illnesses. For an example, dogs can suffer from cancer and cats suffer from some of the same visual impairments that humans do. Due to that fact, that’s why animals are useful in the treating of human diseases.
We as humans can put a stop to animal testing and any other practices that involve the harming of animals. The main thing we should do is educate the public on the issue so that we can inform the government that we see this happening and we don't agree with it. Scientists don’t need to torment monkeys in order to cure a disease. Companies do not need to torture animals to test mascara, shampoo, and detergent. Teachers don’t need to cut into frogs to teach biology. There is no justifiable reason for killing millions or causing suffering to animals and their never will be. So lets end it now! Our voices matter so lets put it to good use. First, we could start by buying cruelty-free products because if they don’t sell then the companies will ask why and then they will have to listen. Second, educate others by describing to them the horrors behind animal testing that help make our favorite products. Third, make donations because every penny counts. Donate money for scientists to use on technology. Lastly, leave your body to science. Leaving your body to science can help scientists, medical students, and doctors in advancing their research and training without hurting animals. We are the "deciders" in what we want to happen and what we want to stop. We should become more aware of the things that are happening in this world that are not right. We are part of the problem because we continue to dismiss things that doesn't include us. I'll admit that animal testing has done great things to help in improving medicine but we should be thankful for those things and let it go. I will never approve of such an distasteful act, even though it has provided many benefits in medicine.We should bring an end to this act by supporting organizations like PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), ILAR( Institutions for Laboratory Animal Research, and many others. These organizations are in charge of reaching out to the public the dangers of animal testing. We can also create a petition that works towards the ban of animal testing. Petitions are a request from the public for the government to perform a certain act. The government values the public's opinion and they should understand our attitudes towards animal testing. There are a lot of organizations that disagree with animal testing that could persuade others. Some organizations include European Coalition to End Animal Experiments (ECEAE), PETA, Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and many more. We can start a movement that could change people's perspective of what is really beneficial to medicine.