Over 100 million animals in North America alone will be killed in cruel animal tests each year. Animal testing has been going on for years, a lot of companies test there products on animals, some of these tests consist of restraining animals and dropping chemicals into there eyes, the scientists also forcefully pump the chemicals into the animals stomach though a tube to see how it reacts to the chemical, this is extremely painful for the animal. After observing the reactions for a number of days the animal is ether destroyed or re-used in other experiments, most experiments consist of burning, stabbing and drugging animals.
Most of the companies test there products on animals and even mars candy tested there products on rats to see how the effects of chocolate effects the blood vessels. Experimenters force-fed the rats by shoving plastic tubes down their throats and cutting them to check the blood vessels. After the experiment they are destroyed. The law requires none of these dreadful experiments and they are unnecessary.
During a raid on April 20, 1985 by the Animal Liberation Front rescued 1 million numerous rats, ferrets, monkeys, dogs and cats from a lab in California. There was 1 baby monkey they came across, they found that this baby was ripped away from its mother and put though a horrible experiment. It has its eyes sewn shut the day of his birth and the sonar device taped to its head which would make a high pitch sound every 5 minutes and would last for 30 seconds. It was kept in totally isolated glass cage. The baby who was later named Britches who was only 4 months old was going to be tested for 3 years and then at the end they would’ve destroyed him. All this experiment would be done just to prove how monkeys brain develop without a mother and to see if britches would have developed hearing despite being blind.
Luckily the animal front rescued him along with the other animals and the healthy ones all found homes.