One reason that animal testing should not be used is that many humans get diseases and disorders.
Mouse never gets fluid infections in the lungs. The cause of cystic fibrosis. What is cystic fibrosis? Cystic fibrosis is a disease affecting the respiratory system. It causes the production of abnormally thick mucus. Rats are 37% effective in identifying what causes cancer to humans. 30 HIV vaccines, 33 spinal cord damage drugs, none of them has worked on humans (33 Reasons Why Animal Testing Is Pointless)
Another reason is that both animals and humans die a lot from animal testing. In the UK, an estimate of 70,000 people are killed or disabled by drugs. These drugs has passed animal testing. Each year 2.1 million Americans are hospitalized by medical treatment. This was also from animal tests. In America, 106,000 deaths a year are attributed to reactions to medical drugs. Vioxx was shown to protect the heart of mice, dogs, monkeys and other lab animals. It was linked to heart attacks and strokes in up to 139,000 humans. (33 Reasons Why Animal Testing Is
The last reason that animal testing should not be used is that animal testing wastes lots of money. Animal test costs a lot of money. Animals must be fed, housed, cared, and treated. The animals also have to be kept for more months causing additional pricing to care for them. After the testing, animals die. Some tests might be successful but most aren’t. This wastes money. (Animal-based Research Is Still Relevant and Necessary) According to PETA, more than $12 billion are wasted accordingly on animal testing in taxpayers money. (PETA)
Some may argue that more humans will die if there is not a cure, but I say animal testing increases the rate of humans and animals dying. This is because of the amount of failures of animal testing. 92% of drugs, that have passed animal test, immediately fail because they are too dangerous or useless. (33 Reasons Why Animal Testing Is Pointless) Most drugs and medicines that have passed tests are either not accurate or haven’t been tested appropriately.
In conclusion, I think animal testing should not occur. Here are the reasons why: Many humans get diseases and disorders from animal testing, Both animal and humans die a lot from animal tests, whether the humans die or get severely disabled, and animal testing wastes lots of money. Taking care of them and over months, then animals die from tests. Many humans are suffering from diseases, viruses, and disorders already and animal testing is just making it worst due to incomplete research. This is like saying we built a rocket ship, but forgot the requirements and planning to form the rocket ship. Save the animals!