(Unknown, beaglefreedomproject) guinea pigs, fish, birds, frogs, even cats and dogs. Right now, thousands of animals are locked up inside of cages anxiously anticipating their next and possibly last experimentation. Next time you pick up some of you favorite items from the store shelves, think about how they got there. Animals are tortured, tested …show more content…
We are torturing, killing, and degrading innocent animals every day for close to no reason. Animals and humans differ greatly from each other, therefore many animal tests are failures. Animal testing is doing more harm than good. Dr. Elias Zerhouni made the following comment on animal testing:
“We have moved away from studying human disease in humans. … We all drank the Kool-Aid on that one, me included. … The problem is that [animal testing] hasn’t worked, and it’s time we stopped dancing around the problem. … We need to refocus and adapt new methodologies for use in humans to understand disease biology in humans.” (Unknown, PETA) Animal experimentation is not only cruel, but expensive as well. Thankfully, there are accurate, cheaper and quicker alternatives. First, there are the In vitro tests which are used to diagnose disease or health of patients using the patient's blood sample or body tissue. Another is microdosing, where humans are given low quantities of a product to test the effects on the body, without affecting the whole body system.There are also many computerized patient-drug databases, virtual drug trials, and stem cell and genetic testing methods. The United States alone spends about $16 billion dollars every year, coming from taxpayers, for animal experimentation. Just think about how much money the US could save if it abolished animal testing as a whole. The US has been in debt and in a depression for years, yet it continues to throw money down the toilet just to torture and kill animals. Animals are NOT the only way to test